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"And students before the classes are over I want to inform you that there will be a school show coming up and if some of you want to volunteer please inform the principal before the last class." The teacher replied.

"So can we three volunteer?" Luna asked pointing on Anna and Stella.
"Yeah but go before the list is full, We just need nine students for volunteer" The teacher replied.

After the class it was lunchtime. They met up with the rest of the demonic. They told about volunteering. They wanted to join as well but Anna didn't since she wanted to participate in a program.

They ate their lunch and walked to the principal office. Anna didn't go with them since she was doing a presentation for the show.

The demonic went to the principal and signed up for volunteering. The principal told them that no one has come to volunteer yet. She asked them if they could find more volunteers.

They said they will try there best to find at least one. They went out of the principal's office and sat in the nearest class. They thought for a while whom to call.

They went around the school but no one wanted to be apart.
"I guess we will do it all alone," Rose said.
"Just us four that is going to be hard" Stella replied.
"We have to find someone" Luna replied.
"But who?" Rose replied.

"Let's ask around one more time" Luna added.
They all went different directions to search but no one seemed interested in volunteering.

They couldn't find anyone. They sat in a class breathing faster from running around for volunteers.
"Huff I huff I got someone to ask," Bethany said breathing hardly.
"Who?" Rose asked.
"Luke" She replied.
"Drink some water Bethany," Stella said handing a bottle full of water.
"Thank you," Bethany said taking it.

"Then let's ask him" Rose replied.
"What are we waiting for?" Luna said.
"Let's go he should be in the cafeteria" Bethany replied.
They walked to the cafeteria and saw Luke sitting with some of his friends. They told Bethany to go and ask him and she went.

"Hey Luke, Umm do you have a minute?" Bethany asked.
"Hey Bethany, Yeah but let me introduce to my friends" Luke answered. 

"Yeah, why not? but I know them" She replied.
"Oh yeah you are in my class, Oh and this is my girlfriend. I forget to tell you guys" Luke said.
"Hi" She replied awkwardly.

"You needed to tell me something," Luke said standing up.
"Yeah come," Bethany said.
They went out of the cafeteria.

"Luke, Would you like to join the volunteering since we needed some more people" She answered.
"Yeah sure, You in?" He asked.
"Yeah, Me and my friends" She answered.

"Then I am ready" Luke replied.
"So come with me to the principal's office and let's sign you up," Bethany said.
"Yeah let's walk," He said walking with Bethany.

He signed up and they searched for more but no one seemed to even care about it.
They went back to there classes and after ten minutes of the last class teacher, John came into each of there class and called them to come with him.

Five of them went to class. The teacher handed them a paper that has everything they should do before and after the program. He said that he was the selected teacher for this year's shows and program. So he wanted everything to be perfect and everything to be fun for the audiences, teachers, principal, participant, volunteers, and himself.

"The program will be held next month. I have written everything according to date and I tried my best to make it easy for you guys as well but I thought we will have more than five people but we will do it together" The teacher replied.

"And we will make sure it will be great" Stella replied.
"We will not let you down" Luna replied.

"We will make this the best program that has ever held in garden high" Ross replied.
"We will do this together" Luke replied.

"Now that's my favorite kind of volunteer!" The teacher exclaimed.

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