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"Hello, Dearest students. I know you guys are wondering why I and my friend is here today.
We just wanted to give you a piece of advice.
Advice that could also change your life" A counselor said.

"This is advice we wished we knew earlier. So hear it. It's a school it will always have the popular students, Favorite teacher, Best friends, Enemies, Teamwork and the worst one the bullies and that is the reason we are here" The second counselor said.

"So we are here to let you know you are wanted, needed, You are perfect, Don't change for others.
Sometimes we rise up against our bullies in order to feel wanted and that's the best thing you can do for yourselves but don't lose control, Don't become the one you are afraid of, Don't change yourself to bully like them but change yourself to change them into a better person" The first counselor said.

"Ok but what if they still threaten you. Ignore them as much as possible and if they did it again tell to your parents, Tell to your teacher they will understand. This is the mistake me, Luna Ellie and my friends made twenty years ago. Instead of changing them we take revenge in order to stand up" Luna replied.

"Yes, We want to stand up but not like this. Yes We take revenge to rise up from our enemies but we should always know that revenge can't change anything but helping each other does" Stella said.

"If you ask us did we regret standing up, My answer is both yes and no. Yes because we stand up for ourselves. No because we became the ones we were afraid of. When they did something wrong to us all we could think was how to get back on them" Luna replied.

"Our answer should have been how to change them into someone better" Luna replied.
"I hope you all understand a valuable lesson" Stella replied.

"Thank you, students.
If you need more help don't forget to contact our counseling company, Your teacher will hand you the number" Stella replied.

Stella and Luna went down backstage.
"I hope this will help someone" Luna replied.
"I hope too" Stella replied.
"Eva and Asher," Luna said and sighed.
"Only if we have met them both after our first year of high school" Stella replied.
"I mean Eva has forgiven us and we have forgiven Eva but Asher" Luna replied.

"Asher wanted to forgive us but it was his ego and since Eva's mom died and she left the school.
He acted really weird and He was always grumpy" Stella replied.

"Only if we could meet them both and get to know them better" Stella added.
"Let's go back" Luna said walking out of the stage.

Then a little boy came running.
"Hey, little guy" Luna said.
"Hi, I am Dave" the boy answered.
"Oh hi, Can we help you?" Stella asked.
"Yeah, I would like to come to your counselor and the counseling helped me because I have been doing this so I would like more" Dave replied.
"Oh, I will give you the card" Luna replied.
"No need the teacher has already given me, I will ask my parents" Dave replied.

"Hope to see you Dave" Stella replied.
"You are really adorable, Can I pinch you?" Luna asked adoring.
"Bye, Dave," Stella said.
"Bye, Adorable thing. How old are you?" Luna asked.
"I am eight years old" Dave replied.
"Bye, I will go to my class" Dave replied.

"That thing is cute," Luna said to Stella.
"Bright side it was actually helpful" Stella replied.
"I want to go to every school and help adorable creature" Luna replied.
"I can't wait to tell the demonic and the boys about it" Stella replied.
"Let's go to the cafe nearby and drink the best coffee they have," Luna said.

They walked out of school and went to the cafe next to the school. They ordered two coffee and sat near the glass barrier and looked outside drinking the coffee.

"This cafe is amazing, Why haven't we been here before?" Luna asked in surprise.
"No idea, Can you believe that it's almost the second anniversary of our company? I mean it helped many people. I meant too many people. I am happy we opened it" Stella replied.

"I am happy too. I still remember the first day, Sebastian and five new staffs were the counselors and I was at the register and also Bethany was with me and now we have fifty-five plus counselors and thousands of families visiting it" Luna replied.

Luna looked outside and saw the familiar face of a boy. He was seriously talking on the phone and was walking to school.

"Wait! Am I dreaming or is that Asher?!" Luna asked surprisingly.
"Who?!" Stella asked.
"The man walking to the school" Luna replied.
"He looks like Asher but I am not sure because I can barely see his face" Stella replied.
"I am done now let's go back" Stella added.
"Yeah, let's go back" Luna replied.

They went back to their office.
"Hey! Rose, Bethany!" Luna said opening the office.
"Shh, There are patients" Anna replied.
"Oh sorry, Anna you came earlier than I expected" Luna replied.
"Okay, what were you guys going to say?" Rose asked.
"About the counseling at the school" Luna replied.
"You guys were there, I totally forget about it" Bethany replied.

"It was amazing because a cute little boy came and said that it really helped him, We are amazing aren't we?" Luna said.
"Wow! That was impressive" Rose replied.

"I know right! He was so cute, He had two chubby cheeks" Luna replied dreaming.
"Aww really, What is his name?" Anna asked.
"Dave the adorable" Luna replied.
"He is cute but you don't have to die because of that chubby cheeks" Stella replied.

Sebastian came in and asked where Luke was.
"He has a meeting with his boss" Bethany replied.
"Oh" Sebastian replied.
"How is your new design going? Any new fashion?" Rose asked Bethany.
"I am working on a project" Bethany replied.
"You guys work like two jobs but why do you guys work two?" Sebastian said.

"This is our little company, We will always provide the best for it. Yeah, We don't have to work two jobs but the second job is like our dream job and this is like our helping community, We donate the money to people in need by helping people who need the counseling" Rose replied.

"For example me studying medicine right now. My dream was to study medicine, " Stella replied.

"I have no idea why you guys just named yourself demonic though" Sebastian replied. 
"That has memories" Bethany replied.

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