24-Jealously boy

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"Good morning students", Said teacher Adam to his class 9a.

Everyone greeted back and settled in.

"As you guys know our mid-term exams are near, We have to do a lot of revisions and don't worry just work hard for a while and you will have a short break in between for about fourteen to twenty days, " He added.

Rose said to the teacher that the hostel students are going to be bored dead.

He laughed and said," I'm sorry but you can go home at that time."

"I'll not go home this holiday" She replied.

"Hey, me too no worries, we are meant to be roommates for a reason, " Bethany replied hugging her.

"I'm happy you will be there, " She responded.

"I hope you have fun, " The teacher said.

"Let's start our revision of physics, " He added.

"I hope you die from boredom for real, " Asher mumbled from behind.

Rose rolled her eyes and replied with a sweet smile, "I hope you too"

"Oh thanks, Rose Michelle for the offer, " He added.

"Asher and Sebastian will be in the jail soon so don't worry Rose, " Said Bethany.

"Let's see who will end up there, " Sebastian replied.

"Do you guys really think you will not go for bullying, idiots?" Bethany replied.

"Try to write girl, Stop fighting for a while, " Sebastian replied.

"Then, Tell your girlfriend to stop whining about a little ant.
She whines like every second like a baby, " Bethany added.

Sebastian looked at her weirdly.
They began writing while Asher started cracking up about how true it was about Eva.

"Stop it! "He whispered to Asher.

The bell rang and it was an art class, They took out their art supplies as they waited for the teacher.

As their art teacher, Samantha entered, they greeted and settled down.

The teacher greeted them and told them to complete their last painting and present it and she sat.

"How is your work going Rose? , I loved it and I can't wait to see it" The teacher added.

"Oh, it's going good just out of ideas to fill some places, " She replied.

"Go ahead and don't forget to show me, I'm really waiting", The teacher said.

Asher was a bit annoyed about Rose having the best painting. He wanted to win like he won last time.

Asher took out his brush and put some paint on it and splashed it all over Rose's painting.
She was shocked.

He immediately apologized for what he has done while he actually did it on purpose.

Rose ignored him and told Bethany that her painting has ruined.
When Bethany saw the splashes on the painting she told Rose that it's not that bad so don't give up.

"It will look perfect at the end, " Bethany added.

Rose started continuing her painting and it started becoming worse and she told Asher to be more careful next time.
"Keep going I am seeing a master piece" Bethany added.

Asher started laughing and he told her not to trust him again.

Bethany told her to ignore him and continue the painting and promise it will be better.

After she finished she didn't want to show it to the teacher but she has too. She showed it to Bethany and she loved it.
So she went up to her teacher and told her the painting has ruined.

"It's fine" she answered.
"Show me" she added.

When she shows her the teacher was a surprise to her project and she replied
"What are you talking about this is the real art?"

The teacher told her to come to the principal's room to present it.
"Ugh, Why should this always happens to those lame people?" Asher jealousy said to Sebastian.

Bethany smiles and waved with whispering "Good luck"
to her friend
She saw Asher mumbling something about Rose.

She whispered to him not to get jealous and told him that he wouldn't have made a masterpiece with his dark hear.

He rolled his eyes and said let's see

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