57- Mission complete

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"We have to figure out what happened," Rose said to Bethany while walking to the class.
"I can do it on my own if you don't want to" Rose added.
"Your assistant never let you down detective Rose" Bethany bowing down.
"Thank you my favorite assistant" Rose replied raising an eyebrow.

"Let's finish these classes and start our investigation!" Bethany shouted.

They went to the class and saw Sebastian looking at them in a weird way.
"Rose see Sebastian is not acting like how he acts every day. He is looking at us weirdly "Bethany said to Rose suspiciously.
"Yeah maybe but we are just at the beginning, We can't be sure" Rose replied.
"I am writing his name down anyway" Bethany replied.
"Okay but I think she is just having a cold, " Rose answered.

After the classes, They went to the garden for small research.
"Sebastian and Luna were in the same group but I am not sure they made this all up," Bethany said to Rose.
"I am not saying they did it but I have a bad feeling it is. I hope it's someone else" Rose said guilt rushing all over her.

"Do you think Sebastian pushed Luke over the ladder because he was there?" Bethany asked.
"I don't think he did that" Rose replied.
"What if it was him! I am kinda worried" Bethany answered back.

"Whoever did this is not going to break our friendship," Rose said standing up from the greenery grass.
"We are going back right?" Bethany said.
"Yes we are," Rose said holding Bethany's hand and pulling her to stand up.
"We have a job to finish, Rose said.

"What about asking Stella if we could have her Instagram to investigate?" Bethany asked.

"Nice idea assistant," Rose answered.
They went up to Stella and asked her phone for an investigation. Stella gave them. She was still sad about what was happening.

Rose opened Instagram and read the message. It was still heartbreaking to know that someone was ruining a friendship.
They looked all around the messages but they couldn't find any evidence. All they could think is that it was Sebastian behind it.

They kept on researching but nothing worked two days passed, Three days passed. They couldn't find evidence and their friendship wasn't bounding but instead, it kept breaking every day.

Rose and Bethany couldn't find any pure evidence to it that they even start crying for what had happened and happening.

They suspect Sebastian but it wasn't him. They were hopeless. They checked the message once again just to see Stella was sending a message to Luna.

"Wait we are using her phone and someone is now sending a message through her insta?" Bethany replied.
"Oh my gosh! We are going to find who did this!" Rose squealed.
"How?" she asked.
"You will see!" Rose replied.

Rose quickly went to the setting clicked on security and again clicked on "Login activity".

"So this is the phone our victim is using," Rose said with a devilish smile.
"and you know who uses this phone right?" Rose asked.
"Me?" Bethany asked.

"No! Asher!" Rose replied facepalming.
"Oh you are right. I just realize we had the same phone" Bethany replied.
"But to prove it was him let's do a trick" Rose replied.

"Oh, Calling?" Bethany asked.
"So let's go and find Asher," Rose said.

They opened and saw Asher and Eva sitting down leaning on a pole.
"They are here, Now record the whole thing while I call him in Luna's phone," Rose told.
"Got it and it's on" Bethany whispered.
Rose started calling Asher through Luna's phone. They heard ringing from afar.
"So it was them, I thought it was someone else, " Bethany replied.
"Don't stop yet one more thing" Rose added.

After the call ended she called them once again to make sure it was really them and it was. They looked at each other.
"Mission completed" They both shouted.

" What happened to Sebastian?"Rose questioned. "ahh, maybe that's why he is been acting so friendly, " Bethany said surprisingly

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