37-Stolen presentation

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Luna looked at the scheduled teacher John gave them while waited for the participants to come for there rehearsal.

Teacher John approach her and asked where her teammates were, she said that Stella is with the singing participants with teacher Emma, Bethany was at the dance participants with the teacher with Samantha.

Luke is at the cafeteria checking the water bottle and food item and Rose would probably be making a list for the next activity.

"You guys are doing a great job but we only have a week left so everyone should be ready, many parents and many peoples are coming to see, the hall looks excellent but don't forget to recheck the microphones, speakers, lights and all that stuff at the last day of the show, "the teacher said.

she nodded yes and told him to let Rose know it so she would write down.

She saw and the presentation students sitting in, then she saw teacher Maria walking in for the presentation rehearsal.

"Hey, guys so have you all are here for your presentation,We would love to see you guys present it for us as a rehearsal, plus only four of you will make it to the main program since we have a lot of students competing but don't worry may the best one wins, "Luna said.

"And this our sweet teacher Maria, she will be choosing the four people, "Luna said calling the teacher to the stage.

"So who is going first," the teacher asked.

Everyone finished one by one the last two participants were Asher and Anna.
"Asher your up," the teacher said.

Anna was shocked to hear his presentation it was her presentation after he finished Anna told Luna about it and the teacher got confused as well.

The teacher questioned Anna and Asher but they both seem to tell it was theirs.

Luna tried to find evidence but couldn't, then she thought of calling Rose because she was good at finding evidence.

Rose came after a while and then she looked to their laptops and even the name was written correct on both of their presentation, Rose started getting confused but then she noticed the date Anna has uploaded before two weeks and Asher's was just uploaded a few days ago.

She looked at him annoyingly and said why are you lying again Asher,
"What do you want?" Rose asked.
"Is everything okay, Rose? "The teacher asked.

"Asher is lying and I got proof, "Rose answered.
"I'm not, She is defending her friend" Asher replied.
"That's what you always say" Rose replied.
"I am not lying" Asher replied.

"Then explain this, "Rose said showing the date.
"Oh my goodness, Asher why are you doing it?" the teacher asked.
"No she stole mine," Asher defended himself.
"She probably delete mine and then rewrite" Asher added.

"Sorry but you are disqualified," the teacher said.
He embarrassingly rubbed his hair and slowly disappeared from the room.

Asher annoyingly went to Eva to probably kill her.
"How did it go," Eva asked.
"Your idea is the worst, I disqualified," he said angrily and sat on a chair nearby disappointedly.

"I thought they will never rise up like that, We should make sure they won't take our place, All the teachers love them now and not us, "Asher said to Eva.

"Where's Sebastian?!" Asher asked.
"He hasn't talked to me since" Eva replied.
"Did you expect him to talk to you after you cheat on him?" Asher said laughing.

"I didn't cheat on him, I'm still his friend," Eva said.
"What! Are you dating both of us?!, "Asher asked.
"If I want you I will stay with you but if I want him I will definitely go with him," Eva answered.

"Ouch, that hurts," Asher said rubbing his neck.
"Seriously! You broke Luna's and heart and you are afraid of someone breaking your heart, Shame on you" Eva said.

"You are talking like you didn't," Asher said.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile at cafeteria
"Sebastian, Can you help me recheck the water bottle over here?" Luke asked.
"Yeah, why not? "Sebastian said and started counting it.

"I hope the table is already set," Luke said.
"Yeah, ask one of your teammates, "Sebastian said.
"I will soon, "he replied.

"You still dating Eva or?" Luke questioned.
"No, I'm not dating anyone, "Sebastian said.

"What happened to you, Eva and Asher?"Luke asked.
"If you don't mind me asking, "he added.

"It's fine, it's just that Eva cheated on me with Asher and I kinda feel guilty for hating Rose, Bethany, Luna, and Stella for no reason," he said.

"You talking about Bethany Leah?" He asked.
"Yeah the one in our class" Sebastian answered.

"I never thought you hated Bethany, "Luke said.
"Why?" he asked.
"I mean she is my girlfriend, "Luke added.

"Oh really, she is sweet though but I'm just hating those four for no reason. I hated them to love my friends and they turned me away" Sebastian said.
"Ouch that hurts" Luke said.
"I know right? I hope they forgive me" Sebastian said.

"It's fine they will forgive you I promise," Luke said.

Then Rose approached to the cafeteria and called Luke and asked if he was done.
he said yes and she said to meet up in the hall in five minutes.

After a while, The teammates gather in the hall.
"So,How did everything go?" Stella asked.

"Perfect," Bethany said.
"Now,What are the things that are left to be done" Stella asked.

"Well, We have more students to nominate from different activities let's do it but the problem is we have six more activities to nominate from if only we could get one more volunteer," Rose said sadly.

"Wait, I have one. What about Sebastian?"Luke asked.
"If you are talking about Sebastian Noah, I don't think so" Luna replied.
"Sebastian and we are not good," Bethany said.
"Yeah we had so many problems and he doesn't like us, "Stella said.

"But I guess he wants to forgive you and if you would like to forgive for his mistakes then it will be amazing plus he did help in the cafeteria," Luke said.

"Oh really! We will forgive him but he wouldn't accept it" Rose said.
"We can give it a try," Stella said.

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