Chapter 39: A Quest With No Plan

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"Ron, Hermione, Percy, and I will hunt for the horcruxes, while you guys and Annabeth help Hogwarts prepare for an inevitable attack." Harry summarized.


Percy paced around his room, throwing clothes into his backpack.

"Percy..." Annabeth put her hand on Percy's arm, causing him to stop.

"I- I can't-"

"I know," Annabeth comforted. Percy sighed, a tear sliding down his cheek. 

Annabeth pulled her sweater over her hand, and wiped the tear off Percy's cheek. "It's going to be okay. We've been on dozens of quests, and fought two wars. We can handle this."

Percy looked up at Annabeth desperately. "Can we?"

Annabeth gazed at her fiancé. She nodded her head, before cracking a small smile. "Do you doubt me?"

Percy let out a pained laugh. "No. No I don't."

"Good. Now get packing. We've got a quest to complete, and a war to finish."


"So yeah." Harry finished awkwardly.

Professor McGonagall stared at him, as if he suddenly grew a second face. "Are you mad, Potter?"

Harry shifted on his feet, glancing at Ron and Hermione. 

"And you- Ms. Granger- you think this is a good idea?" 

Hermione glanced at McGonagall before quickly looking down. She wrung her hands. "I think it's our only option. Annabeth is a brilliant war strategist, she can work with you and the other professors and prepare Hogwarts for the attack."

McGonagall sighed. Before she could say more, Percy threw open the door and marched into the professor's office, with Annabeth following behind (after she closed the door, of course).

"Alright. Let's get this over with." Percy hadn't meant that to be angry or intimidating, but by the way Harry and Hermione's eyes widened, and the way Ron shrunk back slightly, he guessed he was wrong.

Annabeth put her hand on his arm. "So. What's the plan?" She asked the trio. 

No one answered. McGonagall sighed.

Annabeth stared. Her voice calm, she said, "You do have a plan, don't you?"

Ron stared at the floor, as Harry nudged Hermione's arm. 

"My gods! You don't have a plan? How can you go on a quest with no plan!?"

Percy remembered the dozens on quests they've been on, that had basically no plan. "Uh Annabeth-"

"Not now, Percy."


Annabeth started to pace. Percy hung his head just knowing where this was going to go. 

"Quests are important. It is a great honor to be chosen to go on one..." 

Percy coughed to hide his laughter. "Honor?"

Annabeth shot him a glare. "Shut it Percy," she hissed. 

"Yeah, okay."

 Annabeth continued, "Life and death hangs in the balance. You need a plan. Going on a quest with no plan can get you killed, or worse-"

"Expelled." Hermione finished, chuckling slightly. Ron and Harry snickered. 

Annabeth shot the trio a glare, centering in at Hermione. "No. Captured and tortured."

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