Chapter 19: Dumbledore's Army

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"Thank you Minerva." McGonagall lightly glared at Percy for using her first name. Percy laughed faintly. "What? We're technically family you know. Somewhere down the line."

McGonagall smiled. This was starting to look like the demigod that Chiron described.


A few weeks went by and Percy was loving the whole "no homework" thing from his professors (minus Snape and Umbridge). It allowed his mind to wander and focus more on the prophecy, which he still hadn't been able to figure out.

After the whole debacle in Trelawney's class, Umbridge tried to fire her. Luckily, McGonagall saved her and at the same time, terrified and amazed every student at Hogwarts.

Percy hadn't gotten anywhere with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and if anything, the trio felt more distant than ever.

He had no idea if their defense club was working, because they kept it on a need to know basis, and according to the trio, Percy did not need to know.

Still, Percy tried to get some information out of Neville back in their dormitory. Seeing as he interrogated greek monsters and gods for nearly two years, Percy didn't think it would be that difficult. He was wrong.

"Neville, I want to learn how to defend myself. How can I do that if Umbridge makes us take notes all day?" Percy complained. He was lying on his stomach on his bed, while Neville sat across the room working on his potions essay.

"Dunno, Percy. You can try asking Professor Umbridge if she has hours after class to go over things with you."

"Yeah, but that won't help actually performing the spells. I know the words, but it's the action I should work on."

Neville set his quill down and looked at Percy. "Aren't you already more advanced than everyone? Why do you need to work on spells you've already learned?"

Percy groaned. He was getting nowhere. 

Neville went back to writing his paper. 

Percy got an idea. He sat up, sitting cross legged on his bed. "D' you know where Ron is?"

Neville paused. Without looking up, he said, "No. I dunno where Ron is."

Percy stared at Neville. He was lying. "What about Harry?"

"Since when did you care where Harry was?"

"Since I care about where Ron is." Percy replied. "Usually they're together."

"Oh." Neville continued writing.

"How about Dean? Or Seamus? Where are they?"

Neville sighed. "Percy..." Percy sat silent waiting for Neville to continue. "They told us not to tell you."

"Not to tell me what? Who's 'they'?" Percy knew who 'they' was. He just wanted to get confirmation from Neville. 

"Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They're with Dumbledore's Army."

"What the Hades is Dumbledore's Army?"

Neville gazed questioningly at Percy's usage of "Hades."

"It's their defense club. We've been meeting every week in the Room of Requirement."

Percy lied back silently on his bed, resting his head on the pillow. "Oh."

"I'm sorry Percy. They just didn't-"

"No, Neville. It's okay. I get it. The four of us haven't been on the best of terms these past few weeks." Percy glanced up at Neville. "Thanks for telling me. I won't tell them it was you who did."


"So I'm guessing they're there now?"


"Why aren't you?"

"Potions essay. It's due tomorrow and I have so much left."

Percy chuckled, trying to lighten the room a bit. "Yeah. Snape's really killing us with the work."

Neville laughed. "Yeah. He is."

"Thanks, Neville." Percy got up from the bed, and went to leave the dormitory.

"You're welcome, Percy."


Percy went straight to the library. He had no idea what the "Room of Requirement" was, but he planned on finding out. 

After about an hour of searching, he came to realize that the room he trains in every week is the Room of Requirement. Percy felt stupid. 

"You're such a seaweed brain." Percy was so stupid, he could practically hear Annabeth calling him a seaweed brain.

"I can't believe you didn't figure it out sooner." The raspy voice teased. 

Percy froze. That, that voice. That was Annabeth. He whipped his head around, only to find Hogwarts students studying. He didn't dare get his hopes up.

Weakly, Percy managed to get out, "Annabeth?" 

No response. 

Louder, Percy tried again. "Annabeth?"

No response.

Percy quickly stood up and spun around in a circle looking for the smallest, any possible sign, that Annabeth was there.


Percy's throat closed up. His chest tightened. He felt like crying. Percy would've sworn to the gods that he heard her voice. Annabeth's voice. 

Maybe he's finally lost it. Percy knew it was a matter of time before he did.


Hey guys! I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far :)

I'm going to be starting school next week so updates are going to be a bit slower. I'm going to try as hard as I can to continue updating every week.

Thank you all for the love and support!


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