Chapter 48: Am I Dead?

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Percy was scared of who, or what, he would see.

"Percy? Is that you?"

He took a deep breath and slowly turned around.

What Percy saw caused him to forget how to breathe. 


Sally Jackson's hand flew to her mouth seeing her son. Sobs nearly wracked her body as she rushed forward to Percy.

"Oh my gods... Percy, honey..." Her hand caressed Percy's shocked face as tears flowed down her cheeks. "I thought you would have more time... I- I don't know what happened, but Percy, I am so so proud of you..." Sally cried hugging Percy.

Percy was frozen, unable to react to his mom's hug. All he could manage out was a soft, "...Mom?"

Sally pulled away, and held Percy's arm. "Yes, honey. It's me. I've missed you so, so, much, but honey, it's not your time, you- you can't be here..." Sally fretted. 

Tears pricked Percy's eyes as he hesitantly reached out to his mom. His hand cupped her cheek, as he began to breakdown. 

"Am I... am I dead?" Percy choked out.

Sally smiled sadly, her gaze softening even more so looking at her son.

"Percy, what happened?"

Tears flowed freely as Percy attempted to explain the past few years to his mom. He wasn't sure if any of it even made sense but nonetheless he talked, sobs interrupting most of his rambling. 

"And then I, because I don't have my powers, I came here, to the Styx to get the cruse of Achilles, because we need it to win the war, Annabeth said she'd kill me if it didn't kill me, oh gods, Annabeth... mom, I can't-- I can't be dead."

Sally hugged Percy, rubbing her hand on his back to help calm him down. "I know."

Hearing those two words, Percy broke down.

"We- we're engaged, and I... I left her. I told her that I'd never leave her again, and I left her."

Tears flowed down Sally's cheeks. "I always knew you two were destined for each other."

A small laugh escaped Percy as he continued crying in his mom's arms. 

"Mom, I've missed you so much."

"And I've missed you too." Sally regretfully pulled away from Percy, taking a small step away from him.

Percy's face fell when he realized what was happening.

"Percy, I love you, so, so, much. I am so incredibly proud of you. You've done more than anyone could have hoped for, and Percy, you are the best son a mother could have ever asked for."

Percy's vision blurred through his tears. He didn't bother wiping them away.

"Percy, I am so happy I got the chance to see the hero you've become."

"But mom, I'm here, talking to you. I'm dead, right? That's the only explanation."

Sally smiled, turning around. Percy followed, and saw Nico standing on the other side of the River Styx. 

Percy mouthed thank you to Nico, who nodded his head in acknowledgment. 

Percy turned back towards his mom. "I love you mom."

"I love you too, Percy."

Percy gave Sally one last hug, before she disappeared. 

Percy let out a sob, as Nico appeared next to him.

"How did you...?"

Nico shook his head. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't know that you were in the Underworld? Please. I know everything that goes on down here."

Percy gave a small laugh, wiping at his eyes. "Thank you."

Nico nodded. "Anything to make you stop being a Kelp Head. Now can you please leave the Underworld? My dad hates you being here. This is like the thousandth time you've been here in the past three years." 

This time, Percy did laugh. "Yeah... sorry. I won't come back again."

"Good. Next time you visit here," Nico pointed at Percy threateningly, "You better be dead."

"Got it."

"Good." Nico began to walk away.

"Uh, any chance you could shadow travel me to London?"

Nico turned around and stared at Percy. "Do I get the grand tour of Pigwarts?"

Percy sighed, "Hogwarts."

"Whatever. Do I?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Do I get a wand?"


"Do I get a pointy hat?"

Before Percy could answer, Nico walked over and grabbed his hand, shadow travelling them to Hogwarts.

Percy and Nico landed outside of the castle next to the lake. 

Nico stared in awe at the castle before them.

Leaning over to Percy, Nico whispered, "Do I get fancy wizard robes?"


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