Chapter 2: Grandson, Actually

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Harry paced Mrs. Weasley's kitchen quite angrily.

"Harry, dear, why don't you sit down." Mrs. Weasley suggested, looking him over worriedly.

The rest of The Order, stared at him waiting for his inevitable outburst.

"How..." Harry started. "How does- who would even...Voldemort! He has... had? He's got a kid!?" He finally managed.

"Grandson, actually." Dumbledore corrected. Harry glared at the man. "And he's technically an adult."

"And you, you knew about him! For how long?"

"For quite some time Harry. But we mustn't dwell on that."

Harry stared at his headmaster. Was he serious? Did he honestly expect Harry to not dwell on this?

If it was possible, Sirius looked even more furious than Harry. This did not go unnoticed by Dumbledore, who had a knack that day for pissing off powerful teenagers and adults.

Albus decided to let them cool down for a bit, so for the second time that day, he sat down, and stirred himself some tea.

It was peculiar, Dumbledore noted, how everyone handled the news. Mrs. Weasley was obviously worried for her family's safety, Sirius and Harry were enraged, Lupin and Tonks just looked curious, while Mad Eye sat waiting for more information.

Dumbledore looked towards Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape; his most trusted advisors. Neither were shocked to hear this news, due to them being acquaintances with Chiron.

Harry bursted again. "I just don't...who would even!" It was more of an angry mumble but everyone with the Burrow could hear him.

Ron and Hermione ran down the stairs, with Ginny, Fred, and George hot on their heels.

"What's going on?" Hermione demanded. Upon seeing Harry she recoiled a bit.

"Harry? What happened?"

Harry looked he was about to be sick. "Voldemort's got a... he has a grandson."

They were shocked, to say the least.

It was Ron who was the first to speak. "A what?"

"A grandson, Ron." Hermione said.

Harry reeled on Dumbledore who was quietly drinking his tea.

Dumbledore, almost oblivious to this stated, "I went to talk to him."

"You what!"

"I wanted him to come back with me, fight with us, in our war against Voldemort. He doesn't know of his heritage, but he would be a valuable asset to our side."

Harry scoffed. "I doubt anyone as evil as him could be of any help. In fact, I bet right after you talked to him, he turned right over to Voldemort and told him everything."

Dumbledore looked like he considered this. "That is a possibility, although unlikely."

This didn't calm Harry down one bit.

"Today Percy turned 19. Tomorrow I will visit him again, and this time bring Percy back with me, where you will meet him and show him around Hogwarts."

"You can't be serious! He can't go to Hogwarts! He's dangerous!" Harry yelled.

Dumbledore stood, placing his tea cup on the table. "My mind is made up." And with that, Dumbledore disappeared.

Harry fumed. Any relative of Voldemort had to be evil. And besides, what the hell type of name is Percy? He probably looks just like him. Ugly, pale, thin...Harry could go on.

There was no way Harry was going to help the thing that was related to the monster who killed his family.

Ron And Hermione looked at Harry, concerned. The rest of the Order went into the kitchen to discuss the events that unfolded. The twins and Ginny tried to follow but were ultimately shunned and sent upstairs. This left the trio in tense silence.

It was Hermione who spoke up.

"You know, Harry, Dumbledore said Percy doesn't even know if his relation to You-Know-Who. So this means, that he might not actually be evil. Evil isn't genetic, and if he grew up away from the wizarding world...he might actually be good."

Ron looked between a fuming Harry and a consoling Hermione.

"I agree with Hermione, Harry. We can at least give him a chance."

Harry lifted his head and looked at his friends. How could they think this?

"No. I suspect he hasn't had to do a hard thing in his life! He probably had it easy growing up undetected, unnoticed. I bet he can't even use magic. And if he could, it's be dark magic." Harry paused. "He's probably plotting how to aid Voldemort as we speak."

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