Chapter 40: The Locket

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With that, Percy Jackson left McGonagall's office, to finally start their quest that'll end the war.


Percy threw up. 

He flopped back onto the ground. He looked at his partly missing arm. He threw up again. 

Percy had suffered thousands of different injuries during his time on earth. Loosing a limb? That was new.

"Percy hold still." Hermione coaxed Percy into lying down onto the damp soil. 

"'Yeah I'll do that..." Percy went to lie down. "In a minute," Percy said, before abruptly rolling over to his side to throw up again.

"Blimey, mate. That's downright disgusting." Ron commented. 

"Ronald!" Hermione scolded. 

Percy shot him a glare. 

"I think he's sick." Harry said.

"I think," Percy puked, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "I think you're right." 

"Right well, we can deal with that after I heal your arm."

"There's no arm to heal!"

"Shush. Just don't move. It'll um- it'll be a bit uncomfortable."

"More uncomfortable than loosing an arm?!"

Hermione didn't answer. 

Percy's head swam. His vision blurred as he went in and out of consciousness. He heard Hermione whisper a spell before he felt his arm grow. Percy let out a groan. 

Then as heroically as he could, Percy passed out.


"What do you mean he's sick!?" Annabeth shrieked. "Percy doesn't get sick. Unless it's from an injury, in which case he needs water, ambrosia, and nectar- is Percy hurt? Harry Potter you tell me right now or I will-"

"His arm- uh, broke."


"He's okay!" Harry rushed through the IM. If it was possible, Annabeth was even scarier through a mist rainbow, and the thought that she couldn't hurt him through the Iris Message offered him little comfort. "Hermione fixed it. He's just resting right now. We made a campsite. Completely safe, barrier and everything."

Annabeth sighed and rubbed her temple. "And the locket?"

"Ron's holding onto it right now, while we figure out how to destroy it."

"Okay. That's good. Be careful though, I read horcruxes can influence people with dark thoughts. Keep an eye on Ron."

Harry nodded. "What about you? How's the strategies going?"

Annabeth's face lit up slightly. "They're good. The teachers are gathering students to help train each other and cover grounds. The professors themselves are devising strategies in how to evacuate younger students, and anyone who doesn't want to fight."

"They're students who want to fight?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Yeah, surprisingly. Most sevenths years are in, as well as sixth years. Fifth and below are forbidden from participating, but..."

"But what?"

Annabeth cracked a smile. "They're very convincing. I think McGonagall is gonna have to lower it to forbidding second and first years."

Harry chuckled quietly, not wanting to wake up Percy, Hermione, and Ron, who were currently camping out on the floor of their makeshift tent.

"I should probably go," Annabeth said. "We've got tons of work to do. Keep me updated right?"

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