Chapter 21: At Night

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She would figure it out. Annabeth will warn Percy the second she figures it out. She didn't know how, especially since Voldemort kept an eye on her like a hawk, but she would.

Annabeth's faced harder situations than being help captive by an evil wizard. 


Harry bolted upright in a cold sweat, only to see a shadow quietly getting out of Percy's bed. He rubbed his eyes, and put his glasses on. When Harry could see clearly, he saw that the shadow was Percy, and Percy was sneaking out of the dormitory. 

Harry quickly got out of bed, grabbing his invisibility cloak and marauder's map. He wasn't going to lose Percy again. 

Quietly tiptoeing behind Percy under his invisibility cloak, the two of them left the Gryffindor common room and headed out into the hallway. Harry was careful to make sure he didn't make any noise after what happened a few weeks ago in the Room of Requirement. 

As Percy and Harry made their way through Hogwarts, every so often Percy would look behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed. Harry smirked, Jackson was so oblivious. 

Eventually Percy came to a stop in an empty corridor. The wizard looked around and upon seeing no one, disappeared. 

Harry was hit with a strong sea breeze, leaving him stunned. 

Apparating was forbidden on Hogwarts grounds, and Percy didn't even have his wand out! Harry was furious. If Dumbledore found out that Percy was breaking school rules... or worse, if McGonagall found out that Percy was sneaking out after curfew... Jackson would be toast.

Quickly, Harry pulled out the marauder's map. 

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." Harry tapped his wand to the paper. Slowly, ink filled up the map and he could see his footprints in the deserted hallway. 

Harry searched across the map for Percy. "Come on... where are you... you've gotta be here somewhere..." There was no sign of Percy on the map. 

Harry groaned in frustration. How was he supposed to follow Percy, if he could disappear without a trace? 

Suddenly Harry got an idea. He rushed back to the common room.


Percy cannonballed into the middle of the lake. 

"Oh Fleecy do me a solid, show me Chiron at Camp Half- Blood."

Within seconds, Chiron's concerned face materialized in the underwater rainbow mist. 

"Percy? What's wrong?"

"I- I heard her, Chiron. Annabeth. I heard her. She's alive."

Chiron's eyebrows furrowed. "How...?"

"I was in the library looking for something and then I heard her call me a 'Seaweed Brain'. She's alive Chiron and I need a way to figure out how to find her."

"Did any other student in the library hear her as well?"

Percy stared at Chiron, his heart slowly sinking in his chest at what his mentor was implying. "Well, no, but..."

"My boy, is it possible you've imagined Annabeth's voice?"

"No. No, Chiron. I heard her. It was her. She was there..." Percy's voice cracked. "It was so real."

Chiron nodded sympathetically. "I know. But by now, the likelihood that Annabeth is gone, is higher than the possibility of her being alive." 

Tears streamed down Percy's face as he silently began to accept what Chiron was telling him.

"I am terribly sorry Percy." 

Percy swiped through the Iris Message without another word. Chiron sighed and began to make arrangements for Annabeth's funeral, now that Percy was beginning to accept her passing.

Percy finally broke, believing Chiron. He sobbed and his whole body shook. Percy couldn't stop. Annabeth... she was gone. The thought made his chest heavy and his throat tight... Percy couldn't breathe. He gasped in between sobs. His Wise Girl... was gone

Percy was alone. He shivered in the middle of the lake. It was dark. He was cold. After what felt like a lifetime, Percy's tears slowed. He sniffled. He rubbed the remaining tears off his cheek. He was tired, and he wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. 

Percy's whole world crumbled. 


"So you're saying that Percy just what... disappeared?"

Harry nodded. "'Mione look, he's not showing up anywhere on the map. That means he's off Hogwarts grounds... which means he's working for Voldemort. He's a death eater." Harry explained.

"I'm sure there's another explanation, right?" Ron asked.

"Harry's got a good point though. Why else would Percy need to sneak out of Hogwarts in the middle of night?"

"Exactly! We need to tell McGonagall." Harry started getting up from the couch before Hermione grabbed his wrist yanking him back down.

"We can't Harry. How're we going to explain how we know he isn't at Hogwarts? If we tell her she'll know we broke curfew too. Not to mention, we're not even supposed to have the marauder's map."

Harry groaned. 

"Hermione's right mate."

"Then we need to take care of this ourselves. We need to confront Percy." Harry said.

Hermione and Ron glanced at each other before agreeing with Harry. Confronting Percy was the only way to catch him working for Voldemort and expose him to McGonagall and the rest of Hogwarts.

Ron sat up. "Wait Harry... how'd you even know Percy left Hogwarts?" 

"I told you Ron. I saw him leaving the dormitory and followed then he apparated away."

"Yeah, no. I know that. But what were you doing awake?"

Harry sighed. "I had another dream. It was about that Anna girl... Annabeth. She was with Voldemort and they were talking about the prophecy. I could only hear a few parts, but... Voldemort said that the prophecy meant that Percy would join him and help him win the war."

Hermione's eyes widened. "And Annabeth? Does she work for him?"

"Yeah... I think so. She's Percy's girlfriend. That's what she said. I mean, why else would she be with Voldemort?"

"Remember last time you had a dream about her and Voldemort? And we said he was using her as leverage to get at Percy?" Hermione said. Harry nodded. "Well, if she's his girlfriend, it makes sense, doesn't it?"

Ron stood up. "We need to find Percy and tell him about Annabeth. We can confront him after."

"What can't we just confront him first? We have no reason to be nice to him." Harry retorted.

"Unlike you two," Ron gestured towards Hermione and Harry, "I think he's actually on our side." Before they could protest, Ron continued, "Like yeah there's some sketchy stuff about him. And he's related to You- Know- Who, but I actually kind of like him. Besides, what if he thinks Annabeth is dead? he deserves to know."

"Okay, fine Ron. We'll do it your way. Tell Percy then confront him." Hermione said. 


Harry looked between his two best friends. Begrudgingly, he agreed to the plan.

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