Bonus: Big Day Tomorrow

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Short, sweet, one-shot anyone?


"Percy!" Annabeth screamed, watching as the bright green light sent Percy flying backwards in the clearing.


Annabeth woke up in a cold sweat to see her fiancé staring concerned at her. She offered a weak smile in return.

"I'm fine."

"I didn't ask."


"Good," Percy concluded. He continued staring at her with worry in his eyes.

"Percy! I said I'm fine."

"And... I never asked," He said.

Annabeth groaned and rolled over in the bed, grabbing the pillow to put over her face. 

Percy slowly grabbed the pillow and threw it off the bed. She stared at him. He stared back.

"You know, we really should be getting to sleep..." He trailed.

Annabeth nodded, a glint in her eyes. "Big day tomorrow."

"Very big day indeed."

"So we should go to sleep." She said.

"Or you know... not?" Percy gave a lopsided smile, which was just enough to melt Annabeth's heart. 

"Well, they can't really start without us, now can they?"

Percy smirked, "No, not really. Unless Nico and Will steal the spotlight and then we'll have to plan a whole another wedding." Annabeth smiled, as Percy continued. "Besides, you know how hard it was to make sure your mom would come? She was more than happy to come for you but she told me 'Perseus I will not attend if Poseidon will be in the same venue.' So then I had to tell my dad that he had a very specific seating arrangement, but then Amphitrite hated that Athena got the say, and Triton was being a pain and you know my dad, he's pretty chill, but like..."

Annabeth grabbed Percy's face and kissed him. 

"What was..?"

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain."

"Anything for you, Wise Girl," Percy grinned. 

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