Chapter 35: People Call us Percabeth

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Snape turned towards Draco. "Mr. Jackson here, is a demigod."


Today just really wasn't Percy's day. The room was silent after Snape's reveal, until it erupted into chaos. 

Percy was so done with the lies and games. He just wanted to get Annabeth and go home.

Wait. Annabeth.

She was here.

Percy could hear yelling and talking in the background but he tuned it out. Looking at his surroundings he noticed a small hidden door across the room. 

Every creepy old mansion has a dungeon. And if Annabeth wasn't right where he was... she must've been in there. 

Percy's heart beat faster. He tensed, feeling the adrenaline rush through him. 

He was about to do something stupid. Really stupid. Something that Annabeth would certainly kill him for, if he didn't get killed doing it. 

Suddenly, Percy was really thankful Annabeth used to lecture him about architecture. Those lessons were about to save their lives. Hopefully. 

Focusing, Percy willed an earthquake. Not a big one, just enough to separate him, from Draco, Draco's dad, perm lady, and Snape. 

A gaping crack began to form and soon grew to be (in Percy's opinion) very big. 

As Percy hoped, the wizards fixated on the mini canyon, which gave him time to stumble towards the door. 

Percy thankfully got to it without getting blown up which led him to one deduction: Wizards have terrible reflexes. 

In all the commotion Percy forgot his hands were still tied. In a quick and strong movement, Percy ripped his hands apart, causing the rope to snap. Unfortunately, Percy would have to deal with severe rope burn and a probable sprained wrist later. 

Whipping the door open Percy ran down the steps.

"Annabeth?" Percy yelled.


"Annie! Where are-" Percy froze in his tracks.

In front of him was the most beautiful, beaten up girl he's ever seen. "A- Annabeth?" Percy's voice faltered. "Is it, is it really you? I can't deal with more tricks-"

Annabeth rushed towards him flinging her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Percy kissed back. 

Both demigods hugged and cried into each other's arms. 

"What, no judo flip this time?" Percy joked through tears. 

Annabeth laughed into his shoulder and sniffled. "Thought about it, but I figured you'd be too beat up to handle it."

Percy laughed. "Is that right?" Percy wiped his tears. Annabeth pulled him back into a hug.

"I can't believe it's really you." Annabeth muttered into Percy's shoulder. "Gods Percy, I missed you so much."

"I thought you were dead." Percy cried. "Annabeth I never stopped looking for you. I love you, so, so much Wise Girl."

"I love you too Seaweed Brain."

"I am never letting you go. Ever, ever, again."

Annabeth nodded. 

It felt like they were standing there forever, forgetting the world.

"You okay?" Percy asked.

"Never better." Annabeth smiled. 

They pulled apart.

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