Chapter 38: What She Said

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"Now I can introduce you as my fiancé."

Percy and Annabeth stared at each other, then in sync said, "But that can wait until tomorrow."


Percy and Annabeth woke up from the best sleep they've ever had. 

"Think the Gods gave us an engagement present?" Percy joked.

Annabeth chuckled. "No dreams? Definitely. That was the first full night's sleep I've had in years." Percy nodded in agreement.

"Gods, the amount of people we need to tell..." Annabeth laughed at Percy's complaint. "Like, with our luck, telling people has got to be tempting the Fates."

"You're not wrong..." Annabeth trailed. "We'll tell Harry, Ron, and Hermione now, because they're bound to find out anyways. When this whole quest and war and everything is over- that's when we'll tell everyone else. Unless..."

Percy cocked his head, a smile forming on his face. "Unless what?"

"Unless... Chiron just so happens to IM us and he just so happens to see rings."

Percy enthusiastically nodded his head. "And yeah, I mean, Leo or Thalia, Nico, they could happen to IM us, and just so happen to see our rings..."

"Mhm. Yeah. We're not tempting the Fates cause we're not the ones breaking the news." Annabeth said. "But I mean, if someone just so happened to ask us..."

"'s not like we're going to not not tell them." Percy finished.


Percy clapped his hands together. "Well. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

Annabeth laughed. "Me too."

Hand in hand, Percy and Annabeth walked out of their room straight into an official looking meeting.

"Uh..." Percy started. In front of him was Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing next to the fireplace at the front of the common room. Seated around the room were Seamus, Dean, Neville, and Ginny. 

"Percy, Annabeth, hey!" Hermione waved them over. 

Both demigods exchanged glances before awkwardly walking across the room.

"What's going on?" Annabeth arched an eyebrow.

"We're having a meeting." Ron replied.

"Well, yeah, I see that. What about?"

"Oh, Voldemort." Everyone in the room froze at Ron's outright mention of the wizard. Ron shifted on his feet. "Uh, I mean, He- Who- Must- Not- Be- Named."

"Smooth, Ron." Harry whispered. Ron shrugged sheepishly. 

"Mind if we join?" Percy asked.

"Of course not!" Hermione exclaimed. "We were actually hoping you could participate too."

Percy and Annabeth slowly sat down onto the only couch unoccupied by everyone else. Percy shifted. His butt hurt. No wonder why no one else sat on it.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked, glancing over at Percy who kept shifting on the cushion. 

Hermione wrung her hands. "Well..."

"We told them." Harry stated bluntly. 

Percy and Annabeth froze, eyes wide in horror. "You told them that we're-"

"That you've faced Death Eaters and Voldemort before in Malfoy's Mansion, and that you could help us plan an attack."

Annabeth's face visibly relaxed, as Percy let out a sigh. 

"You want to attack Malfoy Manner?" Annabeth questioned.

"We didn't fight Voldemort at the Manor." Percy corrected. 

Harry faced Annabeth. "No-" Before he finished, Harry turned to Percy, "Yes I know that." Turning back to annabeth, he said, "Not attack the Manor, attack Voldemort."

"Don't we need to destroy the horcruxes?" Neville asked, before Annabeth could.

"Yes, Neville, you're right. That's why you all are here." Hermione said. "Percy, Annabeth, Ron, Harry, and I are going to look for and destroy the horcruxes. But in the meantime, we need you guys and everyone else at Hogwarts to prepare for an attack."

"You need battle strategies. I can help with that." Annabeth offered. "It runs in the family." She added. 

"Perfect. Annabeth you can work with Professor McGonagall-"

Percy adamantly shook his head. "No. No way."


"Annabeth I just got you back. I can't- I can't be without you."

Annabeth grasped Percy's hand. "I know. But that's why we have these," She held up their hands with the rings. The room gasped. Hermione put her hand over her mouth to hide her massive grin. "I had Leo put a tracker in your ring."

Percy stared dumbfounded at his fiancé. "You did what?"

"Oh come on Seaweed Brain. The amount of times you go missing, I needed a foolproof way to literally track you."

Percy shook his head, trying to hid the smile creeping onto his face. "Oh my gods." Looking up at Annabeth he grinned, "I had Leo put one into yours too."

Annabeth gasped. "No."


"I can't believe Leo didn't spill anything! He literally made us two of the exact same rings and didn't say anything? Oh my gods."

Percy laughed. 

"Who's Leo?" Neville asked. 

Percy smiled. "Oh, he's just a friend from back at our old school." Neville nodded.

"Hold on. Aren't you guys a bit young to get married?" Ginny asked. When everyone turned around to face her she hastily added, "I mean, not that it's any of my business."

Annabeth chuckled. "No, it's okay. Percy and I are 19, and we've known each other since we were 12. We've been through a whole bunch of stuff together, and neither one of us can imagine a life without the other." 

Hermione and Ginny aw'd at Annabeth's explanation, while the boys turned to look at Percy.

Percy looked confused before pointing at Annabeth. "Uh, what she said."

The room quietly laughed. 

"Okay. So it's settled?" Hermione asked the room.

"Ron, Hermione, Percy, and I will hunt for the horcruxes, while you guys and Annabeth help Hogwarts prepare for an inevitable attack." Harry summarized.

"Yes. Good. Any questions?"

Dean, Seamus, Ginny, and Neville shook their heads. Percy and Annabeth glanced at each other worriedly before shaking their heads, all the while holding each other's hands. 

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