Chapter 43: Skipping Stones

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"I don't know what's wrong. Something's wrong, I- I just don't know what," Percy said, gazing back at the lake.

"Probably just need some sleep. Even half gods need to rest at some point." Ron said.


Harry, Ron, and Percy walked back towards the camp, away from the lake. 


Percy groggily woke up in his sleeping bag. He stared up at the light blue sky. 

He needed to Iris Message Annabeth about what happened last night. The only times his powers didn't work was when there was strong opposing forces controlling him.

He rubbed his eyes, before rolling over onto his stomach and reaching for his bag to grab a drachma. 

Percy willed the water inside his water bottle to come out as a mist.

Nothing happened.

Percy closed his eyes, and waited for the familiar tug in his gut that came along with bending water.

He waited.

No tug. 

Percy swore and chucked the drachma. 

Sitting up, he grabbed his wand, and went to cast a rainbow. It was then Percy realized two things: A) he never paid attention in class and B) he didn't know the latin word for rainbow. 

Percy groaned. Sure, he could make up a fake spell to breathe underwater, but when he actually needed a real one, none came to mind. 

"Percy is everything alright?" Percy whipped around to see Hermione staring at him. 

Percy shook his head in frustration. "I need to Iris Message Annabeth."

Hermione hesitantly nodded. "Okay."

Seconds of silence passed. "I can't use my powers."

Another few seconds. "Okay." Hermione walked closer to Percy and offered him her hand.

Percy stared at the outreached hand. "Okay? That's it? Hermione- I, I can't..."

"I know. And we'll figure it out. But Percy, until then, you're still an incredibly powerful demigod. We'll figure this out. We will." Hermione comforted.

Percy let out a shaky breath, as tears lay on the brim of his eyes. 

Then his face hardened, and he felt himself settle back into post- giant war Percy. Anger boiled inside of chest, as he suddenly hated everything that his life had become, and everyone that played a part in it. 

It wasn't fair that after everything he had done, this is what he got. 

He felt himself drift away from what he knew to be true.

Inwardly fighting with himself, Percy pushed those thoughts away, and grabbed Hermione's hand; offering a small smile in return.

"I'll create the rainbow for you," Hermione said. 

Percy nodded, slowly walking over to where he threw the drachma. Bending down, he picked it up, and jogged back towards Hermione.

Hermione muttered a spell, and with a wave of her wand, a rainbow formed. 

Percy took a deep breath. "Oh Fleecy, do me a solid: Show me Annabeth Chase at Hogwarts." Percy tossed in the drachma. 

The coin fell through the rainbow and bounced onto the ground. 

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