Chapter 49: A Few Minor Things

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AHH!! I finally finished AP Exams! Thanks so much for being patient my dudes. 



Percy and Nico landed outside of the castle next to the lake.

Nico stared in awe at the castle before them.


The second Annabeth saw Percy's stupid face, she stormed over and judo flipped him. 

Percy groaned on the floor. "Nice to see you too, Wise Girl."

Annabeth bent down and leaned over Percy, to the point where their noses almost touched. "You've been gone for days! Don't you dare do that again, or I swear, I will personally murder you."

Percy shrunk back a bit from Annabeth's glare. "Understood."

"Good." Annabeth smiled, and stood up, holding her hand out to Percy (which he gratefully took).  

"I assume it worked?" Annabeth said, raising an eyebrow.

Percy nodded.

"So where is it this time?" 

Percy gave a grin. "Oh, I'm not telling you. Not until I'm positive you're not going to kill me."


"That was the best thing I've seen all day," Nico said, seemingly appearing from nowhere. "And, I got to witness Percy's face after I asked for a wizard hat."

Annabeth spun around. "Nico?"

Nico gave a small wave. "Hey."

"Oh my gods." Annabeth rushed forward and hugged him, which Nico happily returned. "You have no idea how good it is to see you."

"I have a slight idea," Nico replied grinning.

"Woah, hold on," Percy said. Annabeth and Nico pulled apart. "How come when I went to hug you I was threatened, but when Annabeth does it, you actually hug her back?"

"Because I haven't seen her in years Fish Face."

"We Iris Messaged you a few months ago!" Percy retorted, before his face twisted in offense. "Fish face?"

Nico grinned.  

Percy turned back to Annabeth. "You said I was gone for days?"

Annabeth nodded. "You forgot time ran different in the Underworld, didn't you?"

Percy's face flushed red. "No. I didn't." Annabeth folded her arms and rose an eyebrow, causing Percy to lower his head. "I forgot there were time zones."

Annabeth smirked. "Well, while you were on your death quest, a few somewhat minor things have happened."

Percy rose his head, curiosity spanning his features. "Like what?"



Annabeth and Draco walked into the library, in search of textbooks (or anything really) that could clue them into where Voldemort's remaining horcruxes could be.

"We shouldn't be looking for these," Annabeth fretted, throwing a book onto a table. "We need to get Harry, Ron, and Hermione out of the Manor."

"I know, I know... I just..." Draco sped between aisles until he came to the restricted section. Carefully combing through the texts, he continued, "I need to find something before I go."

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