Chapter 45: Third Line Down

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Hermione walked towards the edge of their campsite, into the forest.

Percy plopped down onto the ground.

Picking up another rock, he skipped it against the dirt floor into the forest.


Percy continued chucking stones into the forest. 


"Harry? Ron? What on earth is taking you two so long?" Hermione called. 

"'Mione, we're right here." Harry popped out from behind a tree.

"Merlin, Harry! Don't do that."

Ron looked behind Hermione. "Where's Percy?"

"He's back at the camp."


"Yes, Ron, alone."

"But he doesn't have his powers. He could get hurt." Ron worried. 

"He'll be fine. He doesn't need his powers or whatever to take care of himself."

Ron grumbled a reply, unheard by Harry and Hermione. 

The trio continued to walk until they heard the snapping of twigs. Hermione put a finger to her lips as her, Harry, and Ron ducked behind a bush. 


Percy felt uneasy. 

He may have lost his powers, but Percy still had dam good instincts. Quietly, he grabbed his wand and checked his pocket for riptide and crept towards the woods, where he saw Hermione go off.

After walking for about ten minutes, Percy heard faint talking. 

Hiding between trees, Percy poked his head out. He could see a group of dudes wearing black robes surrounding something. Death Eaters, Percy thought. 

Before Percy could register what he saw, the group apparated away. 

Percy ran over to where they were and noticed a drachma lying on the ground. 

Hermione must've taken it from him.

Which meant that Hermione was here.

No doubt with Harry and Ron too.

Percy cursed and ran back to their campsite. He began to pack up essentials and throw them in his backpack. Percy knew who took them, but he had no idea where. And besides, even if he did, he knew he was going to need his Wise Girl's help. 

Within seconds, Percy apparated himself just outside of Hogwarts. 

Percy quietly ran to the front of the castle and snuck in. He had no intention on running into Umbridge or Snape. 

As carefully as he could, Percy made his way towards the Gryffindor common room, where hopefully he could find Annabeth without being seen. 


Whipping around, Percy became face to face with Draco. 

Rubbing the back of his neck, Percy said hi. 

"It's good to see you," Draco said.

"What he said," Annabeth came from out behind him and ran to hug Percy. "Gods seaweed brain, I was worried."

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