Chapter 24: Flying Donuts and Sparkles

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"Right. Well then, I'm going to pack a bit, then I'll uh, I'll see you guys next week."

Percy walked up to the boy's dormitory as Hermione, Ron, and Harry chorused goodbyes.


Percy had never been more thankful for the Mist than he had in that moment. He felt bad for lying to the trio, but he didn't trust them enough to tell them about his demigodness. 

Percy couldn't imagine what would've happened if they saw through it though. Like imagine, Harry Potter pulling out bags of godly food and drinks, along with celestial bronze daggers. Percy shivered. That would not have ended well.

Luckily, the Mist concealed them as normal backpack items.

Percy packed quickly, only throwing a couple shirts and his wand into his backpack. 

He wanted to get back to Camp as soon as possible.

After quickly Iris Messaging Chiron that he was on his way, Percy ran down the steps, and out of the Gryffindor common room- waving to Hermione, Ron, and Harry as he passed.

Percy ran through the halls and down staircases, stopping briefly in McGonagall's office to tell her he was leaving. 

When he got outside, he whistled for Blackjack and waited by the lake. 

"Ay, yo boss!"  

Percy laughed. "Hey, Blackjack."

"Did you bring donuts? You promised you'd give some when I visited. Remember boss?"

"Yeah, I remember." Percy took off his bag, and dug through it to find his wand. "You can be real stubborn you know." Percy grumbled. He found his wand and hoped what he was about to do would work. "Accio donut!" 

Blackjack stared at Percy. Percy held his wand up waiting for a donut to appear. 

"Uh, boss? What was that?"

"A summoning charm." Blackjack continued to stare at Percy like he was crazy. "Magic." Percy restated.

"Oh, cool, cool. Where's the donuts?"

Percy looked around, seeing no donuts in sight. "I guess I did it wrong."

Just as Percy said that, a donut flew through the air and smacked Percy in the back of his head. "Ow!" 

Blackjack laughed- neighed? Percy frowned. He had pink frosting in his hair. Percy turned around and bent down to pick up the dirty, smashed donut. He threw it at Blackjack who jumped and caught it with ease.


"Thanks boss."

"You're welcome. Now can we please leave and get to Camp?"


Bright side: Percy's monster theory was right.

Down side: Percy's monster theory was right.

The second him and Blackjack left Hogwarts' grounds, every greek monster within a 20 mile radius could sense Percy.

This created a very long trip back to New York. Luckily, most monsters they encountered couldn't fly so Percy and Blackjack lost them fairly soon after they got up into the sky. Unluckily, Percy was attacked by harpies and Stymphalian birds virtually every two seconds. 

Percy sighed and mumbled, "Hogwarts might suck, but I definitely don't miss this." He vaporized another harpy. 


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