Snape Ending - Competing For Affection

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You decided to go down to the dungeons to see Severus. You wanted an apology.

Knocking on the door you opened to see the door to his quarters open. Moving into his room you saw him curdled in a corner. He was crying into it. He seemed so defenseless and it broke your heart.

"Severus?" you asked.

He turned and stared at you in shock.

"(y/n)" he muttered, standing and wiping his tears. "I was just getting the spiders out of the corner.

" Don't lie to me Severus " you whispered.

You gave him a hug and felt him collapse slightly into you.

" What is wrong? "you asked.

" Nothing "

" Come on Severus" you poked him in the stomach. "you can tell me"

"I just didn't want to lose you. Like I lost Lilly"

"What?" you asked.

"I said-"" I know what you said" you said. "But what do you mean?"

"Lilly went off with James and I had only you." he said. "when you left Hogwarts I had none. None but myself. Myself and my stupid head. Seeing you again made me better. But now you love Lupin." he sighed. "I just need to be ready to be alone again. God I'm a fool."

You stare at him. "You are a plonker Severus" you said.


"You forget that I hung out you because I enjoyed your company and your kindness and reservedness" you stopped and reached up to Severus' hair. "I like Lupin just a friend. As I always have. But for you it has always been different"

"You mean it?" he asks "You aren't just trying to mess with my emotions?"

"why would I do that" you said, cupping his cheek. "I don't want to see you hurting".

You moved towards each other and kissed. Snape pulled you closer to him and stroked your hair.

You let go and looked Severus in the eye. "I will never leave you"

Severus smiled and kissed your head before resting his forhead on yours.

"Let me make some tea" he said.

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