Pain and Support

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This is a book where you are not a teacher and rather student. It's less of a sexual and more romantic relationship. (You are in 7th year)

"Tell me again" Umbridge hissed at you. "Where where you last night?"

"I told you" you murmured. "I was out for a walk"

"At 11?" she asked. "Yes I highly doubt that fact" she spat and walked away from the chair which you sat on. For the last three minutes, she had been trying to get you to say where you were.  You were telling the truth, you were out for a walk with Severus. You had an awful day with triple DADA with Umbridge, she had shouted at you over and over for doing the slightest thing wrong.

"If you will not tell me the truth" she hissed. "Then you must write lines"

"Write lines?" you asked. 

"I must not tell lies for a page" Umbridge said.

"But I am telling the truth!" you said loudly.

"Enough" she shouted. "You do as I say or I will have you expelled"

Tears started to well in your eyes and you pushed them away. "Fine" you murmured. "I will do what you want"

You turned the seat so you sat in front of a desk. She placed parchment and a quill. "How will I be able to write your stupid lines if I have no ink?" you asked.

Umbridge slapped you. "Do not call me stupid young lady" she hissed. "The quill is special"

You looked up at her, anger, fright and fear welling in your system. You grabbed the quill and started to write. "What was it again you wanted me to write?" you asked in a sassy voice.

"I must not tell lies and I must listen to my teacher Ms Umbridge" she said.

"You didn't say that at the start" you muttered.

"Yes but you deserve to have more lines" she hissed.

You started to write and you suddenly felt a pain in your hand. You looked at it but nothing was wrong. You carried on writing and writing. The ink looked red and your hand-carried on aching. You looked back at your hand and went white, the sentence had formed on your hand.  You went still and looked up at Umbridge who started to giggle slightly, "Carry on dear" she said.  You stared at her as you started to write again and then looked down. You felt tears again as the message was engraved deeper and deeper into your hand. You started to cry, the tears falling onto the parchment and making your blood on the paper run.

"You need to write that page again" Umbridge said. "You ruined it"

"No" you murmured. "Please"

Umbridge stalked over to you and picked up the paper and threw it into the fire. She placed down another and sat back down. "If you don't then I will have to punish you, expulsion or if the message really doesn't go in then I would have to use the Cruciatus Curse" You immediately started writing again, not caring about the pain, only wanting to finish the paper quickly so you could get out of the disgusting pink office and away from the pink psychopathic sadist.

Time seemed to stand still as you filled the pain. You dared not to look at your hand in case you would be sick. You wrote longer and longer until your wrist began to hurt. 

You finally managed to get to the bottom of the page and Umbridge stalked over to you. "Well done my girl" she said. "I hope you have leant your lesson. Now get out of my office"

You stood and walked out and then running out of the DADA classroom. You needed to get out, you looked down at your hand. It bleed heavily, the message going deep into your hand. 

You ran around the corner and bumped into a dark figure. "Get out of the way stupid-oh" Severus knelt down. "(y/n)?". You started to cry and quickly he pushed you toward the dungeons and into his quarters, shutting the door behind him. "(y/n)?" he asked again as you crumpled onto the floor, holding your injured hand. Severus knelt down and put his hand on your shoulder. "(y/n), show me your hand" he murmured. You shook your head and cried more.            "(y/n)" he said firmly. 

You shook as you gave Severus your hand and he stared aghast. "Oh no oh no (y/n)" he kissed your hand and went over to a sink and got some warm water and cleaned the blood. He sighed. "Does it hurt?" he asked. You nodded and he kissed your head. "Why did she do this to you?" he asked.

"She wanted to know where I was yesterday" you murmured. "Then when I talked back she added more words and told me to write two parchments. And she slapped me." you collapsed into Severus. "She threatened the Cruciatus Curse and expulsion"

"I will never let her push you around like that again" he murmured. "I will not let this stand little one"

"Thank you" you murmured, hugging into him. "I am scared now" 

"I could teach you defence against the dark arts and I can pull you out of lessons saying you need further potions" he murmured. "Do you like the sound of that?" You nodded and clutched to him. "I will get you some hot chocolate and you can sleep" he murmured and picked you up. 

"Thank you" you murmured. 

Severus made you some spiced hot chocolate and put some painkillers into it, then pushed you to the bed where you laid on, sipping the hot chocolate.  Severus pointed his wand at the wall and stars started to appear. You smiled as you watched them slowly circulate. You loved stars and watched them twinkle, taking your mind of Umbridge and your pain.  

You yawned and placed your empty mug down, getting under the covers you sighed. Severus took your cup and went into the other room and came back. "Do you want me to stay with you?" he asked.

You nodded and he smiled slightly, getting into sweat pants and a lost top he got into the bed and hugged you into him. "I love you (y/n)" he mumbled. "I will never let that happen again"

You smiled, warm and safe in Severus' strong arms. Things would be okay you thought.

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