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You had been caught teaching the wrong history to your students and speaking out against Voldermort by the Carrow twins. Now you were kneeling in front of Severus, you were forced to look at the floor Amycus, who held your head down.

"She was teaching 1st years that Harry Potter was a saviour and that the Dark Lord is evil." Alecto said, scowling.

"You have it wrong" you cried out "I didn't say-" Alecto waved her wand and tape went across your mouth.

"She lies" Amycus muttered. "Those who go against the Dark Lord always lie"

Severus looked down on your, he was scared, he had no idea what to do, you being his secret girlfriend he didn't want to see you suffer but he didn't want to get you into further harm by declaring that the twins shouldn't touch you. Severus growled, trying to stay in character, but inside his mind was screaming. "Yes they do lie" Severus murmured, his heart was breaking as he watched you. "A punishment is needed"

"Death?" Amycus asked, his lips curling into a cruel smile.

"No" Severus murmured. "Just teach her a lesson"

"Gladly" they said together, both having manic grins on their faces as Amycus shoved you down onto the floor properly. You hit your head as you fell onto the floor, you looked up, your eyes filled with tears at Severus who watched, pain in his own. You knew Severus had to keep you and him a secret, you were prepared to do so but you never thought this would happen. You had no idea how the Carrows found out you had spoken out against Voldermort and now you were here, on the floor with tape on your mouth and a rope, tying your hands together.

The twins brought their wands out and circled you. Amycus looked up at Severus and he slightly nodded. "Crucio" Amycus hissed, malice in his voice. Immediately you screamed in pain, the sound being crushed by the tape around your mouth, tears sprung to your eyes as you writhed in agony. "Crucio" Alecto said, together the twins torturing you. It felt like fire and electricity which coursed through every cell in your body. You screamed again, the gag straining against your lips as you cried and screamed, your body contorting in pain.

Severus couldn't bear watching you being tortured by the twins, the way you screamed, screamed for him to save you. His heart ached as he watched, knowing that if he looked away then the Carrows would suspect disloyalty.

This torture session went on for a while, they would use the Cruciatus curse and then stop for a few seconds and then start again, each time being worst than the last. You started to feel dizzy and confused, your body going numb to the pain as you stopped screaming and just cried heavily, letting the pain wash over you, and soon you passed out on the floor.

You woke to an aching pain and you moaned in response. "Shh darling" a familiar voice mumbled into your ear. "you are safe"

You opened your eyes to see you in Severus' bed, being cradled by him. You looked at him and started to cry, remembering what happened.

"Darling shh you are safe" Severus whispered, stroking your hair and holding you close to him. "You are safe with me"

"Are they gone?" you asked.

"Yes, they are gone" Severus murmured.

"Severus, it hurts" you moaned, shivering against Severus, still feeling the pain going through you.

"I know love" Severus murmured. "I know." he let go of one of your waist and got a glass of water, putting it to your lips. "Drink it" he commanded quietly. You drank all the water and breathed, feeling slightly better, but you still ached and shivered against Severus who held you close.

"I am sorry" Severus whispered. "You should have never been put through that, I didn't protect you"

"You couldn't have done anything" you whispered. "I know you need to protect your status"

"I would die to keep you safe" he said, keeping you pressed against him.

"I don't want you to die" you whispered. "I don't want you to leave me" your voice cracked and you felt like crying again.

"I will never leave you" Severus promised, kissing your temple. He brought his wand up and you flinched, remembering what happened. Severus immediately put it down and wrapped both arms around your waist, rocking you back and forward. "I would never hurt you, never" Severus whispered, kissing the back of your head and nuzzling his nose into your hair.

"I know" you mumbled, leaning back into his chest, your eyes closed.

After a short while, Severus took his wand again and waved it, your favourite snack flying toward you and him. Severus took it and opened it, handing it to you. "Thank you Severus" you mumbled, eating it slowly, your stomach rumbled, you realised how hungry you were.

"I suggest you lay low for a little while from the Carrows" Severus said, holding you to him. "So you can get better"

"I feel slightly better" you mumbled, "I am just dizzy and I ache."

"You will do love" he said, slowly rocking you. "You will do for a couple of days, unfortunately, there is no potion which can help the pain" he said, stroking your stomach.

You nodded sadly as you ate the food, your stomach growling slightly, the tingle of the pain still coursing through you.

"I think you should sleep, it will help" Severus said as you finished the food.

You nodded as Severus gently moved you under the covers and laid you down. You moaned in pain, the blanket increasing the fiery tingles over your body.

"Kitten?" he asked worriedly.

"It just burns" you mumbled.

"It will" he said, his brow furrowing in worry, tucking you in and taking you in his arms.

"Thank you Severus" you mumbled, immediately falling asleep again.

Severus held you and troked you gently. He was angry at the Carrows, the torture was way beyond what punishment usually consisted of, they had kept going after five minutes, taking glee from how you screamed and cried. It was he who had to stop them at the eight-minute mark and their look of annoyance was sketched into their faces. Severus promised your fainted form that he would never let this happen again to you, he didn't care about keeping his secret, all he cared about was you, and he would do anything to protect you, even kill the Carrow twins.

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