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You woke to a new day and snuggled under the blanket. It was the Summer holidays which meant you and Severus did not have to do anything. Severus was not in the bed but you heard a step on the stair and a few seconds later he walked in with two mugs.

"Good morning" you said sleepily.

"Morning" he said, handing you one of the cups with your favourite drink.

"How long have you been awake?" you asked, you knew Severus had sleeping problems and you always worried about how long he slept.

"An hour or so" Severus answered, sitting on the other side of the bed and placing his mug down.

"You should have woke me if you woke" you said, rolling over to look at Severus.

"You looked peaceful" Severus stated, taking a sip of his black coffee. From the nightstand, Severus picked up a book and handed it to you.

"This is new" you said, looking at the cover.

"I got it yesterday" he said, you nodded, remembering yesterday when you went out to London and visited a muggle bookshop.

"Lord of the flies" you read.

"I have read chapter one" he said, picking it out of your hands and going through the pages. "I am now onto the second chapter. If you wish I can read you it"

"I would love you too" you said. Severus laid on the bed, his back against the headboard while you snuggled into his arm and closed your eyes.

"By the timeRaplh ha finished blowing on the conch the platform was crowded. There were differences between this meeting and the one held in the morning. The afternoon sun slanted in from the other side of the platform and most of the children, feeling too late the smart of sunburn, had put their clothes on. The choir, noticeably less of a group, had discarded their cloaks" Severus read. You relaxed, being entrapped in the story through Severus' beautiful voice, soon you were not noticing the words, solely focusing on his voice. It was relaxing and would have lulled you to sleep if it wasn't for your drink and the sun which was slanting through the curtains onto the bed.

Soon the chapter ended and Severus placed a bookmark and placed it down with his cup and snuggled into you. You hugged back, loving how Severus, without the stress, would become less grumpy and take his time to leave the bed with you. You loved this side of Severus, the relaxed Severus who would take his time to look after you and would read to you and take trips to London and other places.

"I think breakfast is in order" Severus said, slowly prying his hands away from your hips and back.

You nodded, being pulled from your thoughts about Severus which he may have read, you never know.

You both got out of bed and filled Severus downstairs. Severus was dressed in his usual lounging clothes while you wore your pajamas with Severus' cloak wrapped around you. Severus found your look endearing and cute, loving how you slightly wrapped his cloak around your body as your bare feet hit the cold floor.

Severus put on the cooker and started cooking, but looked back at you, slowly he walked toward you, and lifted you up on the counter, making you giggle slightly. His lips were on yours and you kissed slowly, enjoying your time with each other on this lazy morning. Severus's hands moved to your lap and played with the hem of your shorts while your hands went to his shoulders, wrapping your arms around his neck.

You let go of his lips and pointed to the cooker. Severus nodded and took some ingredients from the cupboard and started to work on making something you liked while you watched him, your legs dangling.

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