The Truth

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You had been working as Severus' assistant for two years. You had always loved Severus for all that time, and Severus had began to pick up your emotions for him. So Severus decided to investigate what you felt for him.

Brewing veritaserum he put some drops into some tea and put it in front of you.

"Is this for me?" you ask.

Severus nodded.

"Thank you" you said. You took a sip of the drink. It tasted a bit odd but you shrugged.

You took another long sip and Severus sat down next to you.

"How do you truly feel about me?" he asked.

"I love you" you said and smacked your hand to your mouth

Severus smirked.

"You gave me veritaserum?" you asked shocked.

"To discover what your emotions were for me. Yes"

"You don't like secrets" you said frowning. "Well nor do I. Tell me what emotions do you feel for me?"

"I feel nothing."

"Yeah? Yet you feed me veritaserum".

Severus sighed and walked out. "I feel nothing" he said.

You felt annoyed. You decided to get him back.

Around two weeks later you found the veritaserum and made some coffee for Severus. Placing it in front him he smirked.

He took a large gulp of the coffee and tasted it and crinkled his nose.

"How do you feel about me?" you asked.

Severus looked surprised. "you are the most beautiful person I have ever met" he said, unable to stop. "I love you"

You grinned. Severus frowned at you.

"Don't frown" you said. "I'm just getting you back from what you did to me. You could have just asked me how I felt instead of using magic"

Severus looked confused

"You could have asked me how I felt about you" you said again

"I still got an answer" he said

You rolled your eyes and sat down next to him. "And I got an answer also. So we are even"

"I guess we are" he said. He took your cheek and kissed you gently. "I am glad we are on the same page"

Severus x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now