Fall out

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You laid on the bed sighing, Severus still had not returned from the meeting and you were worried. You had cried and now laid, your face in the cushion and your hands clutching Severus's robe, keeping it to your face and sniffing deeply, his smell calming you

You heard the door open and heard Severus walking into the room. Your sadness turned to anger and looked at Severus. 

"Love" he said with a smile. 

You sighed and looked away, shaking your head.

"Whats wrong love?" he asked.

"Nothing" you sighed.

"Something is up"  he said, moving toward the bed.

"Just go away, seeing as you never like to spend time with me" you said annoyed.

"I don't understand" Severus said.

"Of course you wouldn't" you hissed. "You never understand how your choices affect me." Severus came to you and pulled you from the bed but you shoved him off. "Don't touch me until you apoligised."

"For what?" Severus asked.

"For making me scared and worried for you. I hate it that you are out for so long. I hate it that you don't seem to care about how your actions affect me"

"I have to do it" Severus said. "Don't you understand?"

"No, I don't understand" you hissed.

"I need to keep you safe" he suddenly shouted, rage bubbling on him which he had kept from the meeting that night. "To keep you safe I must do what I need to do"

"I can protect myself" you shouted back, rising to his shouting.

"You are weak compared to Voldermort" he shouted. "Weak, completely weak"

"I am cleverer than you think" you shouted. "Yes I am the bloody History of Magic teacher but I know enough to not be killed."

"You know nothing compared to him" Severus screamed, bringing his hand up. You flinched in Severus immediately went white and his face fell. "You're scared of me" he muttered, "That's why you don't trust me to protect you" he started to cry, tears spilling down his face. He ran out of the room.

You threw a cushion at the closed door and ripped his robe off you and threw it onto the floor. You started to cry yourself, huddling under the covers, soon falling asleep in your own tears.

You woke to no sign of Severus, he had probs left you, seeing as you were not worth him. You had come to that conclusion by the fact that you were the one to start the argument. Pulling on your teaching robes you left to get breakfast. You decided to go the long way which took forever but you needed time to yourself. Turning the corner you bumped into Severus and you stared at him.

"(y/n)" he murmured, pulling you up into his arms, your feet left the ground as Severus held you up into him. "I love you" he said, pulling you tighter into his embrace. "I would never hurt you. Never"

"Would you leave me?" you asked, worried, looking up at him "For starting the argument."

"No, no never" Severus moaned. "You are right, you are strong and clever and beautiful and you can protect yourself. I worry and I look out for you but I will stay with you" passionate words tumbled out of his mouth as he held you in the empty hallway.

"Thank you Severus" you said into his coat, taking a deep breath of his beautiful aroma which you had missed the night before. "For everything"

"Thank you for giving me a reason to carry on fighting" Severus murmured, kissing your head. "If it where not for you I may not have the strength or the might to carry on"

"Oh I love you Severus" you mumbled.

Severus grinned and sighed, slowly letting you down and kissing your lips genty. "Thank you" he murmured. 

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