Dont save her

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I stood outside waiting for her to get out the bathroom a whole hour and a couple of minutes had passed and she still hadn't came out. I was starting to get worried.

"Diosa, are you alright in there?"

I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

"Goddess, I know you need some time and I know I should've never taken you without you knowing but I care about you Ana. I don't know how I do this early but time only tells one thing and that's time. When you know you know."

Again there was no answer.


I grew beyond angry and worried. I kicked the door twice as hard as I could and it finally broke. I stormed inside and seen hair floating above the water in the tub.

She drowned herself....

Quickly I grabbed her and pulled her out of the water and onto the floor. She tried to fucking drown herself.

"Vengo diosa, no me hagas esto." (Come on goddess, don't do this to me)

I did cpr on her for at least thirty minutes but nothing. I continuously checked her heart but was left with nothing.

This was it, she let him win. She gave up on everything. I will never understand how a man could treat a gift from the heavens like this.

I gave up and just stared at her lifeless body. I saw a future with Anastasia if I'm being honest. She still looked so beautiful throughout all of this.

"Dale una oportunidad más de que Jesús no la deje irse así." (Give her one more chance God. Don't let her leave like this)

I wasn't gonna give up on her that easy. I started back doing cpr. Giving her mouth to mouth and everything. After another ten more minutes she started coughing out the water. I laid her down on her side and patted her back doing as much as I could to help.

"N-no... why did you save me?"

"Diosa, why the fuck would you do that?"

She looked up at me and started laughing. Her eyes were dark and filled with sadness. She was beyond broken.

"I have nothing Marcelo... I go out and kill people for money. Come home and get beaten by my husband for a living. I had five miscarriages, stressing myself out because of that bastard. I'm only 25 with grey fucking hairs Marcelo. My father did the samething to me and my mother. The only man that has ever done right by me is my brother but guess what..."

"That little fucker is dead!" She cried laughing

"Baby I-"

"And you know what the worst part is? I still love Kamil. I ran away because I love him and I couldn't bare it. He's done so much for me. He saved my brother and I but I guess everything comes with a price, huh?"

"Come on, let's go get you dressed."

I reached to grab her but she smacked my hand away.

"Don't fuckin touch me!"


"What's your price Marcelo, huh? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME?"

"I already told you diosa. Nothing has changed."

"Come on Mar, you wanna fuck me, huh? You wanna fight me? I mean I did do a lot to piss you off today but here you are saving a bitch that didn't want to be saved. Maybe because you haven't gotten the pussy yet... you want this pussy Mar?"

"Anastasia please-"

Before I knew it she jumped on top of me and started kissing all over my face while tugging on my belt. Her breast were against my bare chest because all I did have on were my suit pants. I was harder than a rock but can you blame me. She's so fucking beautiful but I know now is most definitely not the time.

"Ana stop it!" I gripped her hand but she still kept kissing down my body

I could feel her tears falling down on my chest.

"Shh... I can give you what you want Mar. just fucking take it."

I sighed a hard sigh and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder. She kicked and screamed as I carried her to my bedroom. Ignoring her I sat down on my bed and pulled her across me so that she was now straddling me.

In one glance she instantly broke down into my chest. I rubbed her back soothing her and just let her let everything out. She's been through so much I feel so bad for her.


Marcelo gave me comfort by just allowing me to cry into his arms and for a first time in a long time I felt like someone actually gave a shit about me but I know I can't give him that power over me.

"What do you want from me Marcelo?" I cried hitting his chest

I can't believe I'm sitting here naked in this mans lap...

"Anastasia I want nothing more but for you to let me show you differently. I can give you the world diosa. Anything you want and need I will give it to you, no questions asked. You're a broken goddess and I'm here to fix you but like I said I will not force you to do anything you do not want to do."

Here I am sitting here waiting for this fine Hispanic man to say one wrong thing to me. Hit me, spit in my face, throw me across the room but he hasn't . He was so gentle with me he said all the right things. I just wanna know...


"You may not see it but you're a queen. You just don't know what's it's like to be treated like one that's why you don't see it. But I do, everything you touch I shall worship. Everywhere you walk I should kiss the ground behind you. The people that talk to you without respect I will kill and feed you their blood. You don't know anything about that because all your life you've been surrounded by men that have never seen such beauty like you so they tear you down for the sake of their own insecurities."

"And how do I know you won't do the same?"

"Hablemos más alto que las palabras, mi diosa." (Actions speak louder than words, my goddess)

"I don't trust you nor do I believe you Marcelo."

"Even though you're sitting on me naked, I saved your life twice in 24 hours... I know it's gonna take you some time diosa." He kissed my forehead

"But if you still want to go back I-"

"No I'll stay but only for a day or two. Just until I can find myself somewhere private to stay."

He smiled and pushed a stray hair out of my face.

"Whatever you'd like mi hermosa diosa." (My beautiful goddess)

"I need clothes..." I bit down on my lip

"Don't do that"

"Why not, it's a habit."

"I don't care, don't do that around me and as for your new clothes I already have a boutique from France downstairs waiting for you but if that doesn't please you. We can go shopping where ever you'd like."

Here goes nothing....

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