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A fractured rib, punctured lung, broken ankle and arm. Might I also mention that I've lost my wife twice in one week...

I don't remember exactly what happened but I know for a fact Marcelo is behind this. He has my wife and lord knows what he's doing to her. I miss her so much I just can't live without her.


There was a knock on my door and in walked Leon, my second in command.

"Did you find her?"

"No sir, but we have word that her and Marcelo are in Mexico. I sent more men down there to find them. I assure you sir, we will find them."

This wasn't enough I needed more eyes and ears...

"Spread word out to all the mafias in the west coast. The first mafia to find them gets two of my docks, three months worth of drugs along with fifty million dollars."

"Don't you think you should run that by the Alsina's first especially Mrs. Galore?"

"I don't have time for that just hurry up and do as I say!"

"Yes sir"

He walked out shutting my office door. I'm coming for you Anastasia and I won't ever stop...


We were currently sitting on Marcelo's jet on our way to Texas. Mar claims he hates America but that's where most of his sells come from so I don't know why he's complaining.

I do plan on getting a job until it's safe for me to go out and start back my assassin career. I'm really good at what I do and I actually like being an assassin it cleanses my souls and helps relieve some anger.

"Can I get you anything to drink sir?"

The flight attendant asked looking at Marcelo like he was a piece of meat. A part of me was a little angry and wanted to shank the bitch but... that's it just but.

I had the window seat and Marcelo had the aisle. He was working on his laptop but when she came up to us he looked up at her and shut it.

"Do you not see my goddess sitting beside me?"

I know he is not about to do what I think he's about to do...

"Umm... yes sir."

"Now ask her what you just asked me."

She turned her head and looked at me. I smiled and stared right back at her.

"Can I get you something to drink ma'am?"


"May you or can you?"

It really wasn't that serious but good God was it such a turn on. I quenched my thighs together feeling myself getting wet.

"May I get you anything to drink ma'am?"

"No thank you" I slightly smiled

"That's how it will always be from now on. You don't address me first you address her and if you like the way this world looks you'd stop undressing me with your eyes. Do I make myself clear?"

He pulled out his gun and cocked it back. The way he cocked it back was so sexy this man is a walking orgasm but I just have to keep my wall up.

"My apologies ma'am and also to you too Mr. Miller. You two have a nice flight."

She walked away stiff as hell. When I turned and looked at Marcelo he was handing me his gun. I scrunched my face looking at it then back up at him again.

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