Stay With Me

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The happiness in her eyes slowly started to dim down as she looked at me confused and angry. I don't wanna leave her but I need to make sure she's safe.

That was the plan all along.

"Mar, stop playing and let's go unpack our stuff."

"Diosa I-"

"Come on Mar, I'm hungry and I wanna eat."

She grabbed her purse, getting ready to go up the stairs but I grabbed her by her waist and pinned her against the wall. We stared at each other heavy breathing. I could see it in her eyes that she was hurt and she didn't want me to leave. My heart was breaking, I never knew it would hurt me this much to say goodbye to her.

When I leaned in to kiss her forehead, she moved her head away. Stinging me a bit to the core.


"Diosa if you would-"

"You're not leaving me Mar. End of discussion."

She pushed at my chest so I grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head. A grunt escaped her lips before she bit down on them. Swallowing down her tears.

"I brought you here just to keep you safe as I promised. Me and Kamil have unfinished business that needs to come to an end. Believe me when I say the last thing I wanna do is leave you but diosa I will do anything to protect you."

"I don't need your protection Mar. What I need is for you to stay here with me. Especially at a time like this!"

Frustration and hurt now filling her vocals.

"Diosa I'll be back in a few days-"


She snatched out of the grip I had on her wrist and pushed me hard off of her. I stumbled back a few times before catching my balance.

"The fuck you mean a few days!?"

"I need to go back home to Mexico then to Belgium to finish what I started."

"No, you're staying here. If Kamil finds us we can take him out together."

"How many times do I have to tell you. I will not put you in danger like that!"

"Marcelo, don't leave me... please."

She was begging me, looking at me with those glassy puppy eyes. I never ever want to say no to.
I sighed and grabbed her waist, pulling her in for a hug. She feels so good in my arms, I could hold her like this forever. Just me and her, together forever.

"I will always be with you diosa... I promise." I kissed her forehead

"Mar don't go, I need you apuesto."

Her words were hurting me so badly. If only she knew how much I truly loved her.
I lifted up her chin and looked her in her beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you Anastasia, I would go to war for you. I'd do anything for you."

She looked at me and gasped. Her mouth was open like she wanted to say something so I just kissed her. Afraid that she might've denied or rejected my love. It took her some time but she kissed me back and we kissed with love and passion. I felt like I was on cloud 9 and none of my troubles mattered. She was the only thing I needed, the only thing I desired. We kissed for what was only a short amount of time. Until I pulled away, in which it took everything in me to.

"I'll be back before you know it diosa."

I caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead. When I pulled away she tugged on my wrist, looking at me with those sad puppy eyes. I kissed her hand and let her go, walking out the house , leaving her there.


I watched him walk out the door and it felt like a part of me was missing. I don't know if I love him because I'm scared to but the amount of time I've spent with him. I've grown to be attached to him, he became a part of my heart and he just walked out with it.

This hurts so much and he promised me he'd never hurt me but he is. I hate him for leaving me like this, I hate Kamil for doing this to me. I hated myself for letting him, I hated myself for loving the both of them. At one point in my life.

"Alright dinners ready. Marcelo I bet you ain't eva had soul food like this before I-where he at?"

I heard Jada walk in and I felt her presence behind me but I was afraid that if I looked away from the door. I'd breakdown in tears.

"H-He's gone..."

"No he did not just break up with my cousin. Come on girl he couldn't have gotten that far we-"

"He didn't break up with me Jada. He left to go..."

I sighed and swallowed back some tears.

"He left to go fight for me." I sniffed

"Aww... you poor thang, come here."

She grabbed me and held me as I cried in her arms. I felt so lost without him. It's crazy how just two months ago, I wanted nothing to do with him but here I am now crying because I need him now more than ever.

"I-I didn't even get to tell him I love him. What if he dies Jada. He's done so much for me, I didn't even get to repay him. I love him Jada and he's gone."

"Don't talk like that, he's not dead and Marcelo is known for murder Ana you know he's a strong man. He'll make it out alive, I promise you."

She was right, Mar has quite the history of killing people for fun. Kamil does too but he has never done it hands on like Marcelo has.

I nodded my head and wiped my tears. At the end of the day she was right.

"Come on let's go eat."

"No I'm not hungry. I'm just gonna unpack and take a nap. Maybe when I wake up I'll eat something."

"Okay cuzzo, if you need anything. Let me know."

She slightly smiled and I thanked her once again before making my way up the stairs. After I got done unpacking I slipped on one of Mar's dress shirts I stole. That had soaked up his scent and it smelled so good.

I laid down staring particularly at nothing, as I thought about Mar. finally I felt my eyes start to get heavy but as soon as I was about to fall asleep I heard a gunshot go off and Jada scream.

I gasped and quickly got up. Assuming the worst possible things. I grabbed my gun out of my purse and quickly made my way down the stairs. When I looked around I seen broken glass but no one was around.


I shouted but no answer. I walked through the living room and when I turned the corner to the kitchen I seen a puddle of blood.

"Oh my god no!"

Jada laid there with her eyes open, spread out across the floor with a bullet in her head, just laying in her own blood. I thought my own eyes were deceiving me but I was wrong.

So damn wrong...

I grabbed her trying to see if I could do anything to wake her up but nothing was working. I cried a whole river just looking at her. I've lost my man and my best friend in less than an hour.

"You see what happens when you run from me schact..." (my love)

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