My Last Words To You

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Marcelo and his men ran as fast as they could to get out of the church before the bomb could go off. Sweat flooded their bodies as they ran in fear.

The only thing that Marcelo could think about was Anastasia and their baby. He wasn't running because he wanted to save himself. He ran because he knew he needed to be with his family. He ran as fast as he could for his family.

The thought of not making it for his family was the only fear that Marcelo had in him. It traumatized him to the soul.

The beeping grew louder and ran just like they did with a rhythm of its own. Then suddenly the beeping stopped

Just as Marcelo's foot touched the concrete from outside. The entire Catholic Church building blew into millions of pieces. Fire blooming up from under it.

It blew up with a rage. A rage that took every last man, every breath, every heartbeat with it...


It's been six whole hours since I last heard from Mar. I was trying my best not to worry sick. Julieta and I were sitting in the living room watching Brazilian news.

We both thought it was odd that we hadn't heard back from them in hours.

She eventually had fallen asleep but I couldn't blame her. It's a good thing that one of us was sleeping.

I sighed and struggled to get up off the couch. My stomach was growling because I hadn't really fed my baby all day.

I made my way to the kitchen and fixed myself a snack to eat. I had a big craving for popcorn and queso. It's gross but I can't help my pregnancy cravings.

After I had put the popcorn in the oven. I began to feel a slight cramp in my lower abdomen. I could only shrug it off for a second until the pain became massive.

A scream had left my lips and that's when I realized. I was having a contraction which was odd because-




I have been stabbed, tortured, heart broken, shot at, damn near beaten to death.

But none of them and I mean none of them could come close to how bad this pain felt. I was sweating bullets. My whole body was in pain. I missed my husband and I was pissed at him because I didn't know where the hell he was.

The only person that was with me was Julieta. I couldn't thank her enough for everything she's done for me. She was truly a mother to me.

"It's okay cariño, I'm right here."(honey)

"Mama, I don't wanna do this without Marcelo."

When I said that her eyes dimmed. Like she was holding something back from me. She swallowed a gulp full of tears. I scrunched my brows as I stared at her.

"Mama,¿Sabes dónde está?" (Do you know where he is)

She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. A tear fell down her left one and I instantly felt numb. Assuming the worst, all I wanted to know was where Marcelo was. I needed the closure.

"Baby, how about the get-"

"Mama please don't lie to me." I sniffed

I felt like I knew what she was about to tell me and it tore me down on the inside.

"Anastasia, there was an explosion at the church Marcelo found Diego in three hours ago."

"NOOO!" I screamed

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