But You Can't Hide

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I was in a rush, getting everything I needed to go search Diego's old house. Thanks to my diosa we might have a lead. God, where would I be without her?

Putting in the last few bullets inside my glock 19, I cocked it back and placed it underneath my belt that held up my trousers.

Once I walked out I saw Anastasia in the one piece she uses on missions as she loaded her gun. Her baby bump was starting to get bigger but she only looked bloated.

I stood back watching her with my arms crossed.

"Where do you think you're going diosa?" (Goddess)

She looked up at me with the word duh written all over her face.

"With you to Diego's house, duh."

"My orders to you was to only find me a lead and stay home afterwards because you're pregnant. So sit your ass down somewhere."

I snatched the gun out her hand and she rolled her eyes at me.

Strike one...

"Marcelo give me the gun, we don't have time for this."

She reached for it but I lifted it over my head. She's to short to even bother, reaching.

"Anastasia I'm not playing with you."

"You can call me Anastasia all you want but what you won't do is tell me where I can and cannot go. Pregnant or not, I am not your dog, child, or student you don't tell me to do, you ask. Regardless anyways my answer is no."

I clenched my jaw and took a step closer to her. Her mouth will be the death of me.

Strike two...

"Who the fuck-"

I was cut off by a knock on our bedroom door.

"Sir, everyone is prepared and waiting on you."

"I'll be out in a minute!" Anastasia answered

She looked at me as she reached inside my belt and grabbed my gun. A smile was across her face as she flashed in my face.

"Sorry but duty calls..."

She quickly kissed my cheek and walked out the room.

Im so gonna fuck her up...


Throughout are car ride to Diego's I could sense Marcelo's rage with me. I understand that he wants to protect me and our baby but he brought me here now he goin stick beside me.

Besides I would've been home alone and I hate it when he's not around to keep me company.

I was interrupted from my gaze when the car came to a stop and everyone was starting to get out. Mar got out first and I was following behind him until he stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Marcelo..." I warned

"You can Marcelo me all you want but one thing you won't do is disobey me. I am not your friend, brother, or sister. I am the father of the child you are carrying inside of you. Not to mention the fact that you call me daddy, so unless you're hearing is fucked up and you want to be able to sit for the next week. You will sit in this car with Juan until I get back."

I looked over at Juan our driver that was on his phone playing video games.

"Baby no!" I pleaded pouting

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