Forgiveness Is key

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I woke up from the sun burning through my eyelids. When I opened my eyes and turned my head. I found that Marcelo wasn't beside me again for the second time.

It's been three days since the accident and he hasn't said a word to me since.

It's weird because we live in the same household, sleep in the same bed and eat together. No matter how many times I've tried to speak to him he'll ignore the fuck out of me.

I don't know how much of this I can take.

I heard the shower running in the bathroom and made my way to it as I removed my robe off my body. I stepped in behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest, slowing making my way down as I kissed all over his back and shoulder blade.

"You know I like to wake up with you beside me." I spoke in between kisses but still got nothing

He makes it seem as if I'm not even here.

"I miss you papi, the silence is killing me. Just say something to me. Tell me you love me, you forgive me for fucks sakes tell me you hate me. I just wanna hear your voice again."

My hands were now above his v-line and I slid them down further but before my hands could touch his dick. He grabbed them and pushed them off of him.

He turned off the water and looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face as he reached over my head for his towel.

"Good morning?" I slightly smiled

He wrapped it around his waist and kissed my forehead before walking out the shower.

That's all he's been doing is kissing my fucking forehead. I'm so ready to cut my lips off and just tape them to my forehead. He's so fucking frustrating and sexy and handsome and cute and lustful.

Oh my goodness I miss him so much.

I sighed and walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me.

When I got into the room he was putting his suit on but only had on his trousers. He looks so sexy with his toned abs and strong muscles.

He threw on his dress shirt and as he was buttoning the buttons. So I came over to help him. To my surprise he let me.

Once I finished buttoning it, I was left to tuck it in. As I was tucking it in, I looked him in his eyes as I'd go a little bit deep inside of his pants, letting my hand brush against his bulge.

"I'm hungry apuesto, I want you to fill me up." I moaned softly

He bit down on his lip as I leaned into kiss his neck but he stopped me, removing my hand out of his pants. He grabbed his tie and jacket then walked right out of the room.

Marcelo's cold shoulder is colder that Antarctica itself and I hate it so fucking much but there's only one person I know that can help me out of this mess.

I sighed before grabbing my phone and dialing her number. It rung a few times before she answered it.

"Hey my love."

"Hey Lira..."

"No babes? What's wrong?"

I proceeded to tell her what happen.

"It's been three days and he hasn't said not one word to me. All he does is kiss my forehead and rub my stomach until he falls asleep. I don't know what do do Lira." I whined

"What's yall's kink?"

"What do you mean?"

"When August is mad at me I wake him up with head and let him sub me out for a day. After we talk about it. We move past the situation and everything is back to normal."

"Well Mar is into bdsm and I remember him telling me that it helps him relieve a lot of frustration and anger."

"So he likes to dominate you. Perfect, go to his office and do everything but play victim. Be sorry in a sexual way and that should get him."

"Okay, I'll give it a shot, thanks babes."

"You're welcome, but all this talk about subbing is making me want to get slutted out. Now if you'll excuse me I have a husband and a sex room calling my name. Bye!"

She hung up the phone before I could even respond. I can't be mad at her I know what she means.

So I took het advice. Before I made my way into Marcelo's office. I put on a cute see through pair of panties and bra set, fixed my hair and sprayed some perfume on.

It's time to get my man back.


I was sitting in my office just checking up on my mafia and ever since we captured Samson, Diego has gotten real quite lately.

Even though Samson has yet to talk I know he will eventually.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when my door opened and in my walked Anastasia. She looked beautiful in her robe and as much as I wanted to tell her that I couldn't.

"Are you busy?"

She nibbled on her bottom lip as she played with her fingers. I shook my head no and she came over, walking behind me. She massaged my shoulders as she planted soft kisses on my neck.

I was trying my best to not let the way her lips felt on me affect me but they felt so good.

"I know I was so wrong for what I did and no matter how many times I say I'm sorry that'll never change the fact that I put our baby's life in danger. You have every right to be mad at me and not talk to me right now but apuesto I cannot take this anymore."

She walked in front of me and shut my laptop screen. I sighed and she pushed me back in my chair to make room for her to sit in my lap so that she could straddle me.

"You're torturing me Marcelo. Why are you doing this to your wife papi... huh?"

She nibble down my jawline as she loosened my tie. I know she can feel my hard dick pressed against her right now.

"I'm sorry for disobeying you. I will never do it again papi. I love you, I was just scared that I was gonna lose you. I wasn't thinking baby, please say something to me."

She licked and sucked on my ear as she grounded herself into me. I bit down on lip and closed my eyes forcing down a groan.

"I'll do anything you want papi. Please Mar, I miss you. Papi I need and love you... I desire you."

My eyes rolled back and I groaned. I gripped her neck pulling her away and stared into her soul.

"Red room..."

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