Till we meet again

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I was sitting at home in my room stuffing my face with a whole bunch of junk food watching Acrimony by Tyler Perry. A movie that consisted of betrayal by the one man you loved that was until her dumb ass went back to the nigga but I related to the betrayal part.


Many think that Melinda was in the wrong but I don't think she was. She sacrificed everything for that man. Gave her dreams and her whole life
for him. Just for him to turn around and give all her rewards and earnings to another bitch.
I was crying while watching this, yes because I'm still hurting, I'm still broken. I'm still in love...

I sighed and stuffed more popcorn down my face. As I was doing so my phone started going off and when I looked at it it was a call from Lira.

"Hey love..." I tried my best to not sound like I wasn't crying

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

"Just watching a sad movie that's all."

"Are your sure?"

"Yes Lira, I'm fine, what's up?"

"Don't ask why but I need you to fly down to Atlanta and kill Asher Simons. I sent a jet down to pick you up in about an hour."

"Ugh... seriously Lira? Asher Simons, is like one of the most protected businessman, how the hell am I supposed to even touch him?"

"When you get on the jet one of the flight attendants will give you a brief case. There's an outfit, knives, guns, tranquilizer, two million in cash and everything you'll need to know about Asher. I know you can do this."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Today was supposed to be my lazy day. But she is my higher paying customer so I can't complain.

"If you weren't all mighty, I'd kill you."

"Aww, you know you love me Ana."

"I do..." I smiled

"I love you too honey, I also put a vibrator in there. You can thank me later!"

"Now who-"

"Ana, we've fucked before. There's not a day that goes by when you're not horny. Use the vibrator hun."

As much as I hate to admit it. She's right ...

"We used to have fun didn't we?" I smirked

"Oh hell yes..."

We both laughed, thinking about the crazy things we used to do. Back when we first met, both on an undercover mission to kill the same guy.

One of my biggest flex was saying I had a threesome with Lira Galore. Even though it was mostly the both of us. We tied the guy up and made him watch before we killed him.

"Okay, well let me go get ready."

"Thanks again love!"

"No problem, bye."

I hung up the phone and turned off the tv. I groaned before rolling up and out of bed and into the shower.

This better be worth it...


One thing I hated the most was being in polluted ass America. If it wasn't for August needing a deal with Asher I wouldn't have came here.

I just wanted to be home alone, laying in my bed on the side my diosa had slept in when we were together. I miss her so damn much but I know she hates my guts.

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