Truth hurts

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August, Lira, Aron and I were all on my jet. We located Kamil and Anastasia in the middle of a desert in Spain. We were 45 minutes away with only an hour to grab her before Kamil does who knows what with my goddess.

I looked out the window clenching my jaw, thinking of ways I was going to murder that son of a bitch they call Kamil.

"You alright?"

I felt hands squeeze my shoulder and when I looked up Lira had taken a seat beside me.

"I'll be fine once I have her back in my arms."

"Anastasia is a strong woman. We're gonna get her and make Kamil suffer. I promise you that."

"Thank you Lira..."

Throughout our mini conversation I couldn't even look at her. I've never been so angry my entire life.

"Alright we need to discuss our plan."

August took a seat across from me and Lira got up and sat in his lap. Looking at them makes me miss my diosa more.

Aron took the seat beside me. I took my eyes off the window and gave them my full attention. One of the flight attendants handed me a drink and I threw it back like water.

"We need to take out the seven guards that are surrounding the place. Once we do that, Lira has the access codes to the building so all we have to do is find out what room he's keeping her in and we got her."

"Yes but how are we supposed to know what room he's in."

"It's a warehouse, the office is too small to torture someone so he either has her in the storage or the machine room." Lira spoke

I nodded my head and sat deeper in my seat. Kamil will regret the day he ever laid eyes on my diosa.


"Alright we only have fifteen minutes to grab her, so does everyone remember the plan?"

Everyone nodded there head except for me.

"Marcelo?" Lira asked, one brow raised higher than the other

"Aron hand me your shotgun."

"Marcelo, you need to stick with the plan."

"Aron that was an order."

I glared at him and he hesitantly handed me the gun. I kicked the door to the car open with Lira yelling at me in the background but her voice was just fading to me.

"EH, PARA JUSTO AHÍ!" (Hey stop right there) one of the guards shouted at me

I lifted my shot gun and shot him right in his chest. It got three guards attention and they started yelling getting the other threes attention also. Two of them ran up towards me. The first one that got there swung at me but before his fist could ever touch me I knocked his arm back and kneed him in his stomach. He bent over in pain, giving me the perfect angle at the guard behind him so that I could shoot him in his face. His brains splattered all across the wall and I shot the guard that I had a hold on in his head also.

I heard another guard running towards me from behind. When I turned around they stopped in their tracks and just looked me until blood started coming out of their mouth. His body dropped to the floor and Lira stood behind him with a machine gun in her hand giving me a 'seriously' look. I looked around and she had killed the rest of the men.

"Wheres August and Aron?"

"They're more guards than we expected so they're taking care of that."

"Oh well, thank-"

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