Definitely Not In Love

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I stood beside my mom as the photographer took our family photo. I was wearing a long red dress with beads dotting the bodice. My mom was wearing her usual black pencil skirt and a red blouse. Dad was sitting in front of us sporting a three-piece suit he had been forced to wear. I will never understand why someone like him wouldn't be willing to wear a suit. Although, it could be due to him being a basketball coach.

My dad had never been a fan of fashion. As a retired basketball player, he was used to wearing shorts and walking around the house half naked. Not something I was willing to see, but I couldn't say anything to him about it. Marrying a secretary should have done him some good, but it did the opposite of that. He's not used to people taking charge of his life and I get that, but sometimes you need someone who's your polar opposite.

Then, there's me. Who would have thought a girl like me would be nothing like her parents? I didn't care for any type of sport and didn't care too much about fashion. You could say I was a disappointment, but neither of them wanted to say it aloud. I wouldn't have cared anyway. It was like them to say what needed to be said. I wouldn't be surprised if they told me they never wanted to have a child in the first place.

"Brad, you should have invited Ian over," Mom whispered after the photographer let us go. I was too busy massaging my jaw to ask who she was talking about.

"...You know why he can't come down here," Dad snapped, throwing me a look. He wasn't even trying to whisper.

"So what if a certain someone doesn't know. Call Jordan. I bet he would be happy to let him come visit." Mom let her hair down from the bun it was in. "It's only a seven hour flight. Trust me, you wouldn't regret letting him spend a couple of nights with us."

I cleared my throat, earning the attention of my parents. "I don't know if I'm the only one, but I'm ready to head home now." I was anxious to see my boyfriend, Marcus. He was a football player in college, so it was hard to see him often due to the games he had out of town.

We finally exited the building into the blinding light of the afternoon sun. I flinched like it really hurt me, stumbling a little. Mom chuckled, but didn't help me. We made it to the car and I was more than ready to hop in and wait for my parents to get me home. As tired as I was, I was excited to see what Marcus was up to. And to get out of these heels.

"I can't believe my eyes," a high-pitched squeal resonated across the parking lot. I froze with my hand on the door handle and groaned. "Julia Roberts, I cannot believe I'm seeing you today."

I wanted to bang my head on a wall. Of all people to suddenly bump into on our day out. Chelsea Moore was suddenly beside my mom, holding her arms out for a hug. Dad scoffed and unlocked the car. I was about to open it, but suddenly I was stumbling sideways. My head snapped in the direction of the person who dared to bump into me. I was going to give them a piece of my mind.

"...Lucas?" I asked in disbelief.

"Oh, hey there, girly." Lucas smiled.

I threw myself at the guy, whom I was currently forbidden to touch. Samantha wasn't around to say otherwise, so it was okay. He hugged me back and laughed in my ear. I almost melted at his touch.

"It's nice to see you here, too, Ruby." He chuckled.

"Is it a coincidence that both of our families decided to take pictures today?" I asked.

"Not a coincidence. Your mom called us," Lucas said. "We were going to do pictures next week, but you know how moms are. Where you headed after this?"

"...Probably Marcus's house. Or I'm just gonna go to sleep."

"Nice. What happened to your bodyguard?"

Wayne. It's been a while since I'd seen my bodyguard. He was a couple of years older than me, so he had more responsibilities other than guarding me. He left overseas due to a family problem. I don't know what, but I was hoping he'd hurry up and come back. I had a couple of years of school left. Having him here to boss around was all I needed.

"He's currently out of the country," I said. "Something about family issues."

"I hope everything's fine. Are you going to see anyone before you leave for France?" Lucas glanced at his parents. "Bella called me and told me about it."

"Oh, yeah. I leave tomorrow...night. We all were planning on going to the fair before my flight."

"Am I invited?"

"If you would like to be the only guy, then you may join us."

Lucas smiled and pulled me into another hug. I know it's bad to crush on your bestie's boyfriend, but what's not to like about him? If you looked up tall, dark, and handsome in the dictionary, his picture would be there. No offense to my own boyfriend. He isn't exactly the attractive type. I may have come to notice that my fashion sense attracts the wrong attention.

"I'd better get my mom before we're standing in the sun all day. We'll look like pieces of charcoal if I don't stop her," he said. "See you tomorrow then, yeah?"

"You bet." I openly swooned over him as he convinced his mom to hurry up. His dad had given up and gone inside the building already. My dad was already in the car and looked ready to blow the horn. I hopped in before he could say anything to me about letting the cool air out.

"You like him, don't you?" he asked.

I nearly choked on air. I what?!

"...Where'd you get that idea from?" I muttered.

"I may be quiet, but I'm not blind. You like him, but you can't date him."

"True. Samantha would be pissed if she knew he was this friendly with me. We may be best friends, but Lucas is someone I'm forbidden to like."

"One thing you've proven to me in the past two years is that nothing stops you from getting the guy you want. That's how you got Marcus, right?"

Right. I wasn't about to admit that aloud. It was one thing my dad knew about how I played with people's feelings. It was another to have him know that I liked playing dirty. Especially since he could tell my mom and I'd be banned from dating anyone. She wouldn't like me dating someone who could be my older brother.

"You don't have to admit it, Ruby. There's a lot I know about you that you could never imagine." Dad hit the horn, forcing my mom to hurry it up with her friend. If not for Lucas's mom being friends with mine, Lucas and I wouldn't have a reason to even speak to each other. "If you want him, then get him. Who's Samantha to tell you that you can't be with him?"

His girlfriend, that's who. I'm not about to betray a five year friendship for a boy who's clearly in love with someone else.

 I'm not about to betray a five year friendship for a boy who's clearly in love with someone else

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