Kitty Kat

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I ended up falling asleep at the table after Renée asked if I wanted chicken. The light from the dining room woke me up. I sat up so fast I thought I was going to give myself whiplash. My vision was blurred for a couple of seconds before I blinked rapidly and yawned.

"Close your mouth," Melinda said, tapping my chin. "I see you had a good sleep. Renée had to go do something."

I wiped my face, knowing that I had slobbered all over myself.

"You might want to shower and get into something decent."


"...Katherine's coming."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I jumped up from my seat and ran upstairs. I never thought it was possible to take a shower in under thirty minutes and get dressed without wondering what I'm going to wear. When I left my room, Katherine was just coming down the hall.



We ran to hug each other like there wasn't going to be a tomorrow. I freaking missed this woman. Without her, I don't think I would have stayed in France as long as I did. She made everything fun and got my mind off the problems I had.

"Je suis tellement content que tu sois de retour!" she mumbled into my shoulder. "Don't you ever leave again, okay?"

"No promises." I stepped back from my best friend. "How have you been? I didn't get the chance to ask about you before my flight."

"I've been better than ever.  Where's Lucas?"

"He didn't come with me, but he'll be here in two weeks."

"In time for your birthday? I didn't think you'd want one after what happened last time."

"What happened last time?"

"Roberto didn't show up on time and "forgot" your present." She sighed. "I don't see why you agreed to date him. It's not like it did either of you some good. He made you more closed off and I did not like that."

"Well, to each its own. I'm different now, so he's not going to walk into my life again and think we can start where we left off," I assured my best friend.

"Tell that to his face. Eight years seemed like one to him."

This is why I don't deal with the mentally ill. I almost got killed by two of them and one of them keeps clinging to me. When will I ever get a normal life? Does normal even exist anymore?

"While I'm thinking about this, you and Lucas have been together for about five years. Isn't it logical that you guys get married?" Katherine winked. "I'd love to be your Demoiselle d'honneur."

"Of course, you do and we haven't thought about that. Or I haven't." We made our way downstairs. "I need to get out of the house. Did you take the train here?"

"Mhm. I can't spend more than two hours on the road alone. Let's go into town. Maybe there's something fun we can mess with."

"Let me ask Lin for a set of keys."

"Awww, you're the best, Ruby."

No more than ten minutes later, we were on the road heading into downtown Lyon. I should have known there was a 50/50 chance of running into Roberto or any of his model friends. Would any of them recognize me? I don't know. It's been eight years. We're all grown up and some of us have had major glow ups. I can say that I am 100% human. No plastic.

"So, three years ago, I started my own clothing line," Katherine began. "Lozé. I didn't think it would take off like it did, but it did."

"...I know." I chuckled. "I've been pre-ordering clothing from your Fall and Winter collections. I've never been more proud of you, Kitty."


"Duh. Plus, I have your full Spring and Summer collections from this year. I may have started a business of my own with Lucas."

"If that's not a sign for the both of you to get married, I don't know what is." Katherine pointed to my left. "I never side with my friends' boyfriends, but I'm sure he'd agree with me. Are you afraid he's going to end up like your step-father?"

"Terrified," I confessed. "I know he's not like that, but I grew up with it for so long. It's only natural I'm wary of nice men."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say. I just know that if he doesn't propose soon, you're going to be swept off your feet by some...other guy."

"Is that a bad thing?" I pulled into a parking spot. "It's not a bad thing. Maybe I'm destined to meet another man. Maybe Lucas isn't my man."

"I'm speaking it into the world. Lucas is your man!"

A couple looked at us weirdly as I let the windows up. I swear I can never go anywhere with this girl. She's so loud, but I love her. We got out and I immediately recognized the street we were on. It brought back memories I was hoping I'd never remember. Katherine began looking up and down the street like she was looking for something. I slid on my sunglasses and began searching for the one place I shouldn't have been thinking about.

"Come on!" Katherine grabbed my arm and we flew down the sidewalk. The looks we were getting didn't faze me and they sure as heck didn't faze Katherine. She kept apologizing and dragging me along. We finally stopped in front of a building I didn't remember being here the last time I was here.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

Surprise? She knows I hate surprises.

"I think it's about time my best friend got a tour of my company. It isn't the headquarters, but it's just as beautiful." Katherine smiled and pulled me inside.

The cold air sucked the air right out of me. I stumbled a bit, trying to gain my bearings. Why is it so freezing? People stared at us for a second before realizing their boss was right in front of them. They greeted her and went back to work.

"Mademoiselle Lozé, je suis si content que vous soyez ici. The show is to begin in a matter of minutes."

"Ah bon? Je pensais avoir une heure."

"Non. Je vais montrer à ton amie sa place, mais tu dois te changer."

Um, okay. This is sort of awkward. Katherine kissed both of my cheeks and ran off. The woman who stopped us told me to follow her. I didn't expect her to leave me alone like this. I was led into a dimmed studio with multiple cameramen and people who looked too important to be seen with me.

The cameras turned to me and started snapping away. I wasn't expecting anyone to recognize me. I wasn't that big in the US.

"Ruby Dominguez, regarde par ici!"

"Donnez-nous un sourire, Mademoiselle Dominguez!"

I had a couple of pictures taken before I found a seat and the show started. I was intrigued by Katherine's use of music, but who was I to judge? Her selection of clothes were very...interesting. The reporters seemed to be eating it up. The other people there were showing way too much enthusiasm.

"Mademoiselle Lozé, over here!"

"Mademoiselle Lozé, over here!"

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