I Take It Back

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I sat up in bed, wondering why my stomach was cramping up so bad. It couldn't be that time of the month. I checked my calendar on my phone, hoping I'd just eaten something bad for dinner. My cycle isn't supposed to start for another week. Of course, there's another explanation, but I'm sure Roberto took extra precautions. Then again...I didn't take my pill the last time I was with him. Oh, no...

Katherine and I made plans to hang out later, but I needed to find out right now. Melinda doesn't mind me taking her car whenever I need it, so it wouldn't be hard to drive to the nearest pharmacy. I wouldn't be gone for more than ten minutes, so she shouldn't notice that I'm missing. Unless she's that person to be up so early in the morning. I just need to know.

I slipped on a robe and slippers and snuck downstairs. I didn't see any lights on as I made my way to the garage. Everyone has to be asleep. If not, then who likes roaming around in the dark? I can't have anyone asking me questions. Getting to the pharmacy is the easy part, coming back to make sure no one is awake is going to be hard.

That was definitely an overstatement. Melinda's car was pretty silent. I was on the road in record time. If I make this quick, then I can be back home in under thirty minutes. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. I ended up sitting in late night traffic for a couple of minutes longer than I had anticipated.

At the pharmacy, the girl was giving me a look as I looked through the pregnancy tests. It's not like I wanted to be here this late. Who told her to take the night shift? I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to be working this late. I was expecting everything to be closed. Besides the bakery that was open 24 hours. I knew the owner and she sold to anyone who needed anything. Didn't matter if it was just a cup of water. Those were free.

"Est-ce tout?" The girl popped her gum.

"Uh...yes." I stared at her.


Well, that wasn't awkward at all. I felt her staring at me as I left the pharmacy. It's not my fault you're working this late. I'd just close down.

The ride back home went smooth. I was pulling into the garage a little after three. The lights were still off, so I thought I was in the clear. That was not the case. Melinda was coming out of her office just as I was walking to the stairs. I was going to run, but she turned just in time to see me. I hid the bag behind my back and began easing my way closer to the staircase.

"Dahling, where are you coming from so late?" Melinda asked. I froze. "I thought everyone was rapidement endormi."

"...I was...getting collations de fin de soirée," I said. "Got hungry and the kitchens didn't have anything I wanted."

"Oh, I guess that's fine. You should get some sleep. We have things to do in the morning."

"Like what? Kitty and I made plans already."

"Mhm, sure. Maman et papa voulaient aller quelque part avec nous."

"Is it going to take long?" I began easing up the stairs. "We wanted to go to Nancy today. Kitty wanted to look at some art."

"I don't know. Just do what you have to do and go to sleep." Melinda smiled and I hightailed it upstairs. Yeah, I don't have any time to waste.

I shut my door as quietly as I could and rushed to the bathroom. The moment of truth would come in a matter of minutes. I didn't want to wait long, but knew I had to be sure with this. A positive test could make or break the way my school life is heading. I don't know how I can tell my cousins if the tests are positive.

I ended up rushing through it all, because I could feel myself going to sleep. I hadn't picked up any snacks, but I was wishing I did. Macaroons dipped in chocolate sound delicious right about now. Maybe I can get Sarah to make some for lunch. She's always been so good at making desserts in record time.

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