A Worried Friend

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It's only been two weeks at this school and I can't think of one person who likes me for me. Roberto is always around, so everyone knows we're a couple. No one dares to hold a conversation with me. The only time I'm free to speak to anyone is when Roberto isn't at school or in a different class. That's where I met Katherine. She's been nothing but kind to me since we met.

Today was a bit different. I walked into the school without Roberto, searching for Katherine. She was usually with her group of friends. I don't exactly hate them, but none of us get along. Especially when Roberto is around. Even when he isn't, they always find an excuse to leave. I can't be that horrible of a person to them.

When I finally spotted her, I began walking her way. The students here were used to seeing me, but they still had a lot to say as I walked past them. I keep thinking Roberto really is the cause of this, but he hasn't done anything out of the blue since school started. I don't want to accuse him of anything and he returns back to how he was before. Dr. Alexy will definitely force me to withdraw from his plan. If he can still call it a plan.

"Kat!" I called out. She turned around and smiled when she spotted me.

"Ruby!" We hugged. "I was hoping to see you alone today. I have to tell you something."

"I'm here to listen. What is it?"

"Give me a second." She turned back to the people she was speaking to. "Je vous verrai plus tard. Le déjeuner est pour moi demain."


"Cool. Plus tard, Kat."

I watched them walk away, before Katherine grabbed my arm and dragged me back into the crowd. I guess what she has to say is very important. We continued walking outside, until we got to a less crowded area. Some kids saw me and just stared. I wish they would stop.

"What is it?" I asked, pulling my arm out of her grasp. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Not entirely. It's not your fault at all."


Katherine looked around, then lowered her voice. "Roberto has been lying to you. I know you love him a lot, but I also know that you know how he is."

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't go to this school. Everyone here is an international student. He was born here. They wouldn't allow him to go here unless..."

"Unless what?" I crossed my arms. "Why would he lie about going here? He has a schedule and everything."

"I've been here long enough to know who goes here and who doesn't. They wouldn't allow a French student to come here. Plus, he graduated school last year."


"He's playing you, Ruby. That's why everyone is treating you like this. They know how manipulative he is. He's been kicked off campus on multiple occasions. If you haven't noticed, he's only come with you a few times. I'm worried he's trying to keep an eye on you."

"Katherine, I love how you care for me, but I've spent a lot of time with him over the summer. I've known him for years. Don't you think I'd know when he's lying to me?"

"Maybe you're used to it."

I didn't want to believe Katherine, but all signs were telling me she was right. I began listening to the conversations people had when I walked past them. They weren't concerned for my safety, like Katherine, but they felt sorry for me. How is he tricking me when I made it my life's work to help him out? I doubt any of them know about his disorder.

"I'm only telling you this as your friend," Katherine continued. "We've only known each other for two weeks, but that's long enough to say I don't want you to get hurt. You're too innocent for the things he could do to you."

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