Always Been Mine

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I'm in Geneva with Aunt Alizée and Katherine. We'll be back 2nite so make urself comfortable and don't do anything I wouldn't do

Lucas smiled at the message Ruby left him, while he brushed his teeth. She was always out and about. Never stayed in one place for a long time. It was good she was going out. Lucas knew she didn't want to be back here. Since her aunt took her to another country to have some fun, he knew she would be able to relax. All he needed to do was find Roberto. He wanted to meet the guy who'd ruined Ruby.

He finished up in the bathroom and decided to go to the kitchens. He had noticed that Ruby liked spending a lot of time there. He would lose her, only to find her talking to the head chef. Sarah never minded Ruby's company, but she never knew how to be social. It wasn't exactly a bad thing, but she wished Ruby had gotten the vacation she'd come for years ago.

Lucas hadn't expected to run into Roberto on his way to the kitchen. He did expect him to be here, though. As soon as he saw him, he also knew there was no way he was himself. No one wears a suit in this weather. It wasn't too hot, but it was hot enough to want to wear a pair of shorts and a light shirt. Roberto didn't seem like he cared for how hot it was.

"Ah, just the man I wanted to see," he said.

Lucas confirmed that Roberto was indeed this Hugo Ruby often criticized. He wouldn't fall under his spell today.

"Oh?" Lucas raised a brow in question. "Why did you want to see me?"

"It's not everyday I get to meet my ex-girlfriend's wonderful boyfriend. Fiancé maybe?"

"Why does that matter to you?"

"It doesn't. I'm happy for her, regardless."

Lucas needed to play the gullible boyfriend if he was going to get anything out of Hugo. He could tell Hugo was highly intelligent, but there's only so much a genius can pick up on. Lunch was going to be over soon. Getting Hugo to reveal his true intentions wasn't going to be too hard.

"How about I buy you lunch?" Lucas said. "It's the least I can do. Ruby always said you're easy to speak to when food is involved."

"...Oh, really?" Hugo seemed to smile to himself. "Cela devrait être bon."

Lucas didn't waste any time going back upstairs to get dressed. Hugo prepped himself for lunch with Ruby's boyfriend. He had plans for him. If everything goes exactly the way he was thinking, Hugo hoped to have Ruby crawling back to him.

The ride to the restaurant Lucas had in mind was extremely silent. Hugo didn't try to make conversation. He was too busy thinking about being in control of Ruby again. Lucas tried not to react to the perverted smile on his face. He'd never met anyone so obsessed with someone they didn't have a chance with. It disturbed him greatly.

It was even more awkward when they got settled at a table and were looking through the menu. Lucas knew exactly what he wanted, but decided to wait for Hugo to order. When the waiter returned to their table, Roberto ordered for both of them. Lucas was appalled by his actions, thus correcting his own order before the waiter zoomed away.

"Dude, what was that?" he demanded.

"What was what?" Hugo entwined his fingers on the table. "I don't know what you mean."

"I'm not one of your girls you can just order around. We're both full grown men. We're both quite capable of ordering for ourselves."

"Sorry, force of habit."

"Mhm, sure..."

Lucas wasn't expecting a conversation to happen. They both didn't know each other as well as they pretended to. Lucas felt he knew what Hugo was up to. He'd keep playing as Roberto until someone calls him out. It amazed him how no one else thought this was weird. Not many people from the United Kingdom reside here. An English accent would surely sound out of place.

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