Look Who's Here

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I settled down in front of the huge TV with some Ben & Jerry's and red wine. Melinda and Renée were out today. They didn't have to work today, so I knew they were going to find something weird to get into. Another trip to their parents' house was about as weird as they can get without going overboard. It was rare to have them go back home without a real reason. Bringing them back to their house was more rare.

I grabbed the remote and began clicking through channels. There wasn't anything interesting showing right now. There never is. Joël had gone along with Melinda and Renée, so I had no one to talk to to pass the time. Luca was supposed to be here a week ago, but some problems arose with their flight. A lot of people were being compensated and he seemed to be last on the list. The last time I spoke to him, he said they were offering spots on a new flight.

I ended up watching a random animal show on Netflix, not really caring about who would walk in on me. Katherine definitely would say something about it, but she knows I won't say anything. She'd end up watching it with me. Then, of course, we'd start making fun of everything we saw. Good times. She never fails to make me laugh when we're together.

"I bought lunch and you're eating ice-cream?"

I don't know if my brain hadn't registered I was supposed to be home alone, because I turned to look at Lucas like he was stupid without freaking out. He stared back at me with two bags of takeout. Food? Nice. I turned my attention back to the TV and continued eating my ice-cream.

"Dang, you're not even surprised I'm here?"'

"Uh...sure I am. I'm just a little preoccupied."

"Preoccupied? Sure, sure. I got takeout from...a steakhouse not far from here. You hungry?"

"Uh...What'd you get?"

"Burgers. Can you please look at me, Ruby?" Lucas walked around the couch, put the bags down, then sat next to me. I glanced his way. "No, like really look at me. I haven't seen you for nearly three weeks already and you can't tear your eyes away from giraffes eating leaves."

"It's interesting." I laughed. "What do you want me to do? Are you gonna kiss me? Is that why you want me to look at you?"

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

"That would be nice. I haven't had a kiss from you for three weeks. Kinda sad, but it's life."

"That's life?" Lucas chuckled and paused the show. "Babe, after having my flight canceled twice, I sat on a plane for nearly a day and barely slept, because I've never been overseas before. I was thinking of you the entire time and the one guy I want to strangle when I lay eyes on him."

"Roberto hasn't been around since I got here," I said. "What are you going to strangle? Now unpause my show."

"Baaaaabe," he whined. "Come on! This is too much. I didn't scare you like I usually do and I bought takeout, but you'd rather watch giraffes."

"Yes, yes, you are correct."

"Ruby Nerea Daniels Dominguez."


All I want to do is relax. I've been going everywhere with Melinda and Renée since I got here. They also want me to go to Geneva with them tomorrow. I was still recovering from yesterday. I'm surprised Joél didn't want to stay home with me. Although, it's good he isn't here. I don't know how I would explain everything to Lucas. Not that I wanted to anyway.

"Okay, I'm looking now."

"No, you're not."

"I am."

"No, you aren't."


"Don't 'dude' me."

I started at Lucas for longer than necessary. What does he want me to look at? I'd rather eat than look at him. Unless, of course, he was going to kiss me. That's when I noticed some writing on his neck. Lucas chuckled as I leaned forward to see what it said. Before I could really read it, Lucas kissed my forehead. I leaned back in surprise.

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