All In His Plan

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And everyone said he wouldn't show up. It's better he's late than never come. I knew he had been at work all day. Since another modeling season was coming up, they had him working a lot more. He hasn't gotten any complaints from anyone about how he acts. It made me happy to hear that. It means that whatever I'm doing, is helping him get better. It's not working fast enough, but it's getting there.

"I am so sorry! I didn't realize how late it was." Roberto hugged me. "Forgive me, darling."

"You didn't have to show up, Robbie," I muttered. "I know how busy you can get."

"It's your birthday. I should have been by your side all day."

"Ah, but I know how to give you space when you need it. How's your aunt?"

"...She's fine. Happier."


Roberto's aunt has yet to like me, but she can get over it. I'm here to stay for as long as I need to. Roberto has been nothing but kind to me. At first, I was getting weary of pretending to help him, but I may have accidentally fallen in love with him. How could I not? He's an interesting person to be around. There isn't a dull moment when I'm with him. Everyone keeps trying to get me away from him, but what do they know?

Yes, he may have showed up to my party late, and without a present, but I'm glad he's just here. Roberto isn't like everyone else. He needs someone by his side 25/8. Someone who can understand him when others can't. I feel like I fit the description. Sometimes I feel out of place when he's close to becoming not himself, but we work through it as best we can. He's not like everyone is claiming him to be.

Today marks my second meeting with Roberto's therapist. He wanted to meet in private, so I sent Roberto off. To my surprise, he only gave me a kiss and left the property. I was expecting him to ask what I was up to and who I was meeting. It made me a bit suspicious, but who am I to meddle in his private life? We aren't married or anything.

"I see you've gotten along well with Roberto," Dr. Alexy pointed out. "I suggest you be a bit more cautious. Did you not read my notes?"

"I read them," I said. "He isn't as bad as I thought he would be. Honestly, in the beginning, I could tell he wasn't trying his hardest when it came to being normal."

"What do you mean?"

"He didn't fight the urge to be Hugo. Countless times, he'd leave me alone and come back confused as to why he wasn't with me."

"And you didn't think to report it to me? To your cousins?"

"Dr. Alexy, with all due respect, I think I can handle Roberto on my own." I smiled. "He's doing better now. I haven't had any problems with him wandering off and doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. I don't remember the last time he's had an episode."

"May I remind you that Roberto can be very manipulative. He sees that you trust him enough to overlook what he's really doing." Dr. Alexy took out some of his notes. "I'm not trying to scare you, Miss Dominguez, but he could be going behind your back and feeding his mental hunger. Who knows what he does after he leaves your house?"

"...Are you saying what I'm doing isn't working for him? He's trying to trick me?"

"He doesn't have to try. You believe everything he says. He knows you won't ask where he's been, because you seem to not care in his eyes. Miss Dominguez, if he doesn't get the proper help he needs, he'll get stuck as Hugo one day."

Now that just sounds stupid. How could someone get stuck with another personality for the rest of their life? Roberto has nothing to hide from me. I'm trying to help him and he's accepting the help. No one else is getting that. They ask me to help, but the moment I become too involved, I've messed up somehow. I don't like being told what to do.

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