Just The Two Of Us

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"Do you care to know?" I asked. "Don't you ever want him to call?"

Roberto took another sip of the drink. He eyed me like I was prying too much. It was him who asked to know about my family first. It's only fair that he answers my questions, too.

"Not really," he said. "I'd like it if he called us, but it's whatever. He's doing his own thing and we're doing just fine without him."

"I'm guessing he never came to the funeral?"

"Nope. He claimed he was too busy to fly back home and tend to anything his older brother owned. That was his call. Since he didn't come back when he was supposed to, everything my father had generously left for him became mine. That included his properties in The States."

"Have you ever been to The States?"

"No. I was planning to go next year, but...that might not work."

I lost interest and began looking around. The treehouse was huge. Why it had two floors is beyond me. I'm not even going to ask about it. It's best I pretend everything's normal until it really isn't anymore. I'm going to explore more when he isn't here. Or when I'm not helping out at my uncle's hospital.

"Two years," Roberto suddenly said. "It's been two years since I've felt this normal. I'm glad you came back. I'm sorry for acting the way I've been acting over the past month."

"It's not your fault." I smiled.

"It is. I'm the one who can't control himself. Ç'est dur. I'm in one place, then the next thing I know, I'm getting into trouble with someone I've never met. People don't see me as a model, but a nuisance. You see me for me. Don't you..."

I looked down at my drink. If I said no, he'd probably feel some type of way. If I say yes, then I'd be lying and I'm sure he'd figure that out. There's no way I can tell him I don't see him as him without him getting mad about it. I'd be mad if he said something like that, too.

"Yes." I put my drink down, got up, and walked over to him. Roberto put his drink down and stared at me. I sat at his feet. "Deep down, past your...very large ego, I see my best friend who feared for my safety everyday. You haven't changed. Someone just...moved in."

"That's the weirdest thing I've heard coming from you." Roberto smiled and looked away from me. "The best thing anyone's ever said to me." His smile faded and he looked at me again.

"Dude, even though it seems like I'm always far away, I'm always listening. I'm just...I've never been able to fully attach myself to someone. Except for my mother. You are someone I'm willing to let into my life, so I can help you."


"Sorry. I've been so used to just talking to my friends. Forgive me?"

I smiled up at Roberto and took his hand. He sighed and squeezed my hand.

"Would you mind showing me around the treehouse?" I asked.

"If you promise to speak French the entire time," he said with a wink.

Wow...I couldn't believe this guy. I bet he knows I can't actually hold a conversation in French. I understand it more than I speak it. That's what happens when your mother doesn't let you take hold of your roots. Maybe it's due to me being American and all. It's whatever though. I know enough to get by in this country.


We spent the majority of our time downstairs. He showed me the small bedroom and bathroom. We talked for a while in the kitchen/dining area/sitting room. The pantry was another story. Although it wasn't filled with food, it was nice knowing it was there. If I really wanted to get away from society, I'd have most of what I would need here.

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