Hugo Returns For Good

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Being homeschooled wasn't as hard and boring as I thought it would be. Callie was very laid back and she took more breaks than I did. Her kids were often away at school, but sometimes chose to stay home to learn with her. I never questioned how that worked and she never tried explaining anything.

Roberto has been doing better. I haven't told him about what I'd discovered. I knew he had been using his other personality for his own gain. Now that I know what he's up to most nights, Dr. Alexy and I have decided to break the news to him. I can't be with him anymore. Although Dr. Alexy has people following him when he leaves the mansion, there hasn't been much we could learn from him. It's like he knows someone's watching.

I can say he's been genuinely happy. After he decided we were going to keep the baby, he's been by my side every chance he gets. I can't help but think about how he's going to react when I break up with him. For my own safety, Melinda agreed to have me return back home after the baby is born. Even if it's just for a few weeks, I can breathe without Roberto wondering what I'm up to. I know he's going to be watching me a lot more once I break it off.

After making that deal with Callie about the baby, I felt better about having the child. I never had any intrusive thoughts about giving it away. Or even wishing I'd gotten rid of it as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I felt more comfortable about being out in public. Roberto was free from his aunt most of the time, so he made it his life's work to help me out. I appreciated it, but it was like the beginning of our relationship all over again.

Roberto and I decided that we would go on a walk tonight. Aunt Alizée would pick me up if anything were to go wrong. I had her on speed dial just in case. No one can be too careful around him. The last thing I want him to do is back me into an alley and kill me.

"Thank you for taking me out." I smiled to myself.

"No problem, darling." Roberto began fixing my jacket. It wasn't too cold tonight. "Can't have you getting sick, now can we?"

"I suppose not."

"Alizée would tue-moi. I can't leave you alone as a single mother."

Yeah, I already feel like a single mother. Him dying would be a blessing to a lot of us.

"I'm...gonna go home for the summer," I said.

"You're what?" He stopped walking. I looked back at him.

"Yep. I miss everything and I want to see my friends again."

"You shouldn't be missing anyone who isn't me. How do you think I'm going to feel about that? What about the baby?"

"Don't worry about the baby. I'm going to have him, then leave in August."

"I get to look after him?"

Oh, no. I didn't want to tell him no, but this is inevitable. I don't trust him to stop flirting with random women on the street. Why does he believe I'll trust him with our newborn son? His aunt is the last person I want near him. She hates me. I know people can change after everything calms down, but she still hates me. What makes her think I'm going to allow her to take care of my child when she clearly wants me dead?

"Uhh..." I rubbed the back of my neck and started walking again. "I don't want to say no, but I kind of made some arrangements with my aunt and uncle."

"Will they let me see him?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" Roberto ran to catch up with me, grabbing my wrist. "What do you mean? He's my son just as much as he is yours. We both have equal parental rights."

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