Back To The Life I Once Knew

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"I'm sorry it didn't go the way we planned," I muttered. "I know I'm supposed to rest, but I can't wait to get away from him. I might stay a little longer."

"...It's perfectly fine, Dahling." Melinda hugged me. "I know you want to get away. Dr. Alexy has been putting together a few precautions upon your return. Vous revenez, non?"

"Of course. I can't leave my child here with Roberto roaming around. He's already pissed at me for hiding him away. I can't fathom the thought of leaving him for good."

"I'll make sure he never knows where he is. Callie and her family are going out of town for a few weeks. If he does find out about her having Joël, they won't be home to confirm it."

"I can't believe this is happening right now. I wanted to tell him everything before Joël was born."

"Well, life happens, Ruby. You can't help what happens when it happens. As long as you and Joël are in a safe place, I don't care where you go. Roberto is the one who needs help." Melinda handed me my bags. "When he comes by, I'll tell him that you're gone. Hopefully, it's when the plane has already taken off. I don't want him going after you."

I doubt he would come after me. Our breakup was his fault. I don't want to get back with him. He enticed me into becoming a mother. I thought he would help me out, but he threw the entire responsibility at me. There's no escaping the future set up for me. I'm going to have to deal with having a child for the rest of my life. My husband would have to know everything.

I'm not exactly embarrassed by Joël, but I won't be able to enjoy life worrying about his well being. There's going to be a day when I have to leave him behind for some time. I don't want to do it, but I have to prepare a home for him. We both have to get away from Roberto. If Callie and I succeed at keeping him away from Joël, then it's possible to do anything.

"Do you have everything?" Melinda asked. "Your little pillow is in your bag, right?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Everything is going to be fine, Dahling. I'm sure they've already left by now. If Roberto wanted to find him, then he's too late."

"I told him Aunt Alizée and Uncle Cédric would have him. Do you think that's enough to distract him from them for a while?"

"Of course. He isn't as smart as he is handsome."

Yeah, she's definitely wrong about that. Roberto excels in smarts and beauty. Any woman talking to won't listen to a word he's saying, because they're looking at his face. Any guy talking to him will think he's some type of god. How does he know such things? How is he not a professor? I just want to know why he doesn't have a job that requires him to be far away from me at all hours of the day.

"Oh, they just called for your flight. I'll tell Aunt Alizée you said au revoir. She'll understand why you didn't come to see her." Melinda pulled me into a hug. "Tu vas me manquer."

"I'll miss you, too. I'll call you once I land," I said.

"Ah, you don't have to. I know how bad jet lag can get. Try sleeping before calling me."

"All right. Je t'aime."

"Je t'aime aussi."

"S'il vous plaît, attendez l'avis météo." Please wait for the weather advisory.

Oh, I guess I have a couple of extra minutes to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind. Lin left me with two kisses on the cheek and disappeared into the bustling airport crowd.

I'm so glad I was able to get away before Roberto decided to find me again. He had broken up with me months before Joël was born, but he couldn't seem to stay away. Multiple talks with Dr. Alexy proved he was obsessed with me. I don't want to believe it, but it is what it is. He likes what he likes. I'm not saying he should like me, though. I want to be able to live comfortably. Knowing he would do anything to make sure no other guy dates me is very disturbing.

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