The Aftermath

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Aunt Alizée didn't say anything as we roamed through the maze. I stayed behind her, afraid walking beside her would get me smacked across the head. Aunt Alizée has been known to hit people who disrespect her or does something she doesn't like. I wasn't about to be one of them. I know she claims to love me like a daughter, but I can't trust that. She's almost hit Melinda once.

"Honey, I know it's not entirely your fault," she started. "We did try to warn you about him, but I know he already had a hold on you."

"I know..."

"It's going to be okay. Do you plan on keeping the baby or..."

"I don't know...I want to, but I know I'll have to sacrifice my future for the baby. I'm willing to do that, but it all comes down to what Roberto wants."

"Honey, you're going to have to start thinking about yourself. Roberto doesn't have your best interest in mind." Aunt Alizée sighed. "You're a good person, Ruby. Anyone can see that. Roberto isn't good for you. All he wants is to see how long he can manipulate you until someone steps in."

"...Like today?"

"Ah, sort of. I trust you knew what you were doing before, but this is the last straw. If he's not willing to let you help him get better, then how do you know he's willing to be a father to your child?"

I don't know.

"What would your mother think, dear? I don't know how she's doing these days, but I know she won't be happy about how Roberto is treating you. She's a good woman who knows good men."

Are you sure about that?

"Well..." I kicked at the ground. "I don't know how long I've been pregnant. What if it's too late?"

"We'll work something out, darling." Aunt Alizée hugged me. "No matter what happens, we're always going to be there for you. Nikki has no reason to be mad at you. She needs to keep her nephew in line. She can't keep blaming his actions on his mental state."

"You knew?"

"Yes, dear. I was there when it happened. Such a shame a nice boy like him was turned into something like this."

I tried to imagine Roberto as the 14-year-old I'd met so long ago. He had always been so innocent and carefree. I thought I was going to be the one to ruin the innocence he had left. His aunt loved me back then. I was like a daughter to her. I never thought Roberto had thought of me as more than just a friend. I hadn't been too worried about boys at my age.

Life goes by so fast. Once you blink, you miss so much. I feel like I've been blinking all my life. I've missed things Roberto still hasn't told me about. Seeing how things are now, I have to wake up. I have to keep living in the present. There's no time for me to pretend everything is fine. Roberto is not fine. He needs more than my help. If he doesn't step up as a father, then I have to step up as his friend.

"I'm not proud of what you've been doing behind our backs, but what's done is done. It's not like the good Lord can turn back time and make it all go away."

Maybe He can. From what I've heard from anyone who believes there's a higher power in this world, God can do anything. I'm sure turning back time is something he's done before. Of course, no one would know that.

Aunt Alizée took my hands and looked into my eyes. Her striking, blue eyes were full of emotion. I felt like crying, but there was no need to cry. I got myself into this mess, and I could get myself out of it. I need the guidance of a woman who knows what she's doing. The last thing I want to do is take matters into my own hands and disappoint everyone further.

"How about you take a few days off from school, while we get everything sorted out?" she suggested. "I'll have the school send you your work. You can stay with your uncle and I."

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