Angela & Chantel

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Me? In love with Roberto? There was no way that could be possible. I have a boyfriend and he's been good to me. So what if I'm having doubts about his loyalty to me? Roberto and I just saw each other for the first time in two years. There's no way I'm catching feelings for him already. If Marcus is cheating on me, this is going to make me just as bad as him. Maybe she's talking about Lucas. She has to be.

Renée had me thinking about that all morning. I didn't get a wink of sleep, but I wasn't tired. Who would have thought I would ever be in love with Roberto of all people? We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Even if I did like him, I didn't know how to flirt when I was 14. I didn't even care about liking guys then.

But, it was killing me. How was it that my own cousin could see that my relationship was falling apart? If not for her, I would have realized too late that he might be uninterested in me. This can't be happening to me. It just can't. There is no way that me, Ruby Dominguez, is in love with a guy I can never possibly have a stable relationship with. No way. I won't believe it.

"Knock, knock." Roberto walked in with a smile. "Did you get any rest?"

"...No," I muttered. "But, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"You sure? It's not because of the long flight here?"

"Jet lag has got nothing on me. I'll be fine." I slid out of bed and shook my hair out of its bun. "What do you have planned for the day?"

"I was thinking we could go into the city and just have some fun. Unless you want to take the train to Paris."

"That sounds like fun, but I'd rather stay here in Lyon."

"Why don't you...get ready and I'll wait for you downstairs?"

"Of course."

Roberto's eyes flickered downward, then back to my face. He smiled and left my room. I frowned and looked down at what I was wearing. Of course! I smiled to myself and pulled my robe tighter around me. Sheer nightwear isn't recommended with a guy who loves roaming around.

Twenty minutes later, I was ready. Roberto came in to check on me, saying he was due to be at an appointment in ten minutes time. I guess I was going to crash his worksite today. That sounded cool.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Mhm." I picked up my cardigan and phone. "How far is it?"

"Just a couple of minutes. It won't take us too long." He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. Somehow, this felt right. I didn't feel like I was doing anything wrong. "So, I was wondering what you would be willing to do today. I know you just arrived this morning, but it's better to sleep when it's time to sleep."

"That's true. We could go eat at our favorite place," I suggested. "If it's still open."

"Anahera Café? Of course, it is. Janet is always there, too."

I guess we're going to Anahera Café.


"Roberto!" A girl flung herself at Roberto as we entered the modeling agency. "It's been so long since you've been here."

"Hey, Angie," Roberto greeted her with a laugh. "I was just here last week. How have you been?"

"...Yeah, that is true. Who's the girl?" she asked, completely dodging his question.

I stared at the girl until Roberto finally let her go. She smiled at me like she hadn't just thrown herself at my best friend. Roberto stepped aside to fully reveal me to everyone watching us.

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