The Fox Follows the Bunny

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"I'm surprised you didn't call your friends."

"They weren't there for me the last time I was here, so why would they care that I'm back now?"

"For good?"

"Yes. I really don't want to be in France anymore. There's a lot there I'm trying to avoid."

"...Your ex?"

"Especially him. Honestly, I don't know how I dated him. He's just so...full of himself. Everything has to be about his happiness. If he doesn't like the way things get done, then it's my fault. I'm glad I left."

"Well, I'm glad you're back. I'm more than sure your friends would like to know that you're back. They may not want to see me, but they'll be grateful I dropped by to help you meet with them again."

"Or...we can just go home and I can get some sleep. I don't really feel like speaking to them at the moment. I want to see my mom and do something fun with her."

My phone rang, causing me to jump in my seat. I hated my ringtone, but never could work up the nerve to change it. Every time it rings, I think it's Roberto, because he used to call me 24/7. When I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was my doctor. I wonder what he wants this time. I haven't spoken to him since the last time I was here.


"Ruby, I was wondering if you were back by now?" he asked.

"I am. I just got off the plane," I said. "I'm heading home right now."

"How about I come over and we can go out to dinner or something? I promised you I'd take you there whenever you came back."

"Aren't you going back home?"

"Yeah. I don't really want to go, but I promised my nephews I would try to be their uncle again. So much for a romantic summer, eh?"

"...True. I didn't know you had nephews. I didn't know you had any siblings."

"There's a lot about me you don't know. I'm sure we can talk about it over dinner."

"That would be nice. I guess I'll see you later..."

"Of course, Ruby. Tell your mother I said hello."

"I will."

I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung up. How did Dr. Thibault remember I was coming home today? Why did he never talk about his family? I feel like there's more to what he just told me. I have a bad feeling I won't like what he's going to tell me tonight. If only there was a way out of this.

"Who was that?" Lucas asked.

"My doctor." I smiled at him. "He promised to take me out to dinner when I finally returned from France. My mom is supposed to come with us, so that's why I wanted to go home early."

"Ah...I'm more than sure your mom can wait a few minutes longer. I wanted to take you out to get some fresh air. I know you'd like to hear people speaking English and not French 24/7."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. It was nice to hear my mother's native language. I can speak it better now. It wasn't a hassle to hold long conversations without thinking I said something offensive. I guess I can thank Roberto for helping me with that problem.

"How about the beach?" I suggested. "I haven't been to the beach in about six months."

"Of course. Anything you want." Lucas merged into traffic like it was nothing.

It was so great to be back home. I was finally going to get the rest I deserved. I was away from the person who was dragging me down in the first place. I no longer have to worry about pleasing everyone. Since there's no one around to tell me to keep someone else in check, I can just worry about myself.

Me, Love, & SecretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora