I Haven't Been Drinking!

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I knew I shouldn't have gone out of the city for some fun today. Katherine and her friends had coaxed me out to have some pre-party drinks. I knew it was a bad idea, but I haven't had that much fun in a while. Lucas was blowing up my phone the entire time. I was late, but everyone seemed cool with it when I finally arrived. Katherine--being the most sober one--told everyone that it was her fault. Of course, they were understanding. They knew how she was.

Joël had been with some extended family when we arrived. Melinda took me aside and began forcing water and food down my throat. That wasn't going to help me one bit. I've dealt with being intoxicated before. I'm quite a character if I drink too much. After waking up when Roberto left my room that night, I'd gone to the kitchens to ease the pain in my head. I wasn't going to drink more tonight. Unless it's coffee or water. I need to be awake for Joël.

"How much did she drink?" Melinda asked Katherine.

"Too many White Russians to count." Kat shrugged with a smirk on her face. "I definitely tried to remember that she had a party today. The others didn't get as drunk as she did, so I'll deal with them. Sorry, mamas."

"C'est bien, c'est bien. Everyone is here, Ruby, so I'm going to need you to not fall asleep."

"I won't. Promise. I've dealt with hangovers worse than this." I grinned. "Where's Joël?"

"With some people your parents brought over. Do they know about Joël?"

"Mom does. I don't know about my step-father. Maybe he does. We haven't spoken in a while."

"I wasn't talking about Martin, Dahling."

Then who? I didn't invite any other extended family. Dad said he was probably going to be busy. Getting him here would be a miracle. I wonder if Ian came. I told him to call me if he decided to. I guess he isn't. Doesn't matter, though. We're going to have a talk when I fly back. He's supposed to be taking me out to dinner again.

"Oh...I still don't know if my father knows, Lin." I pushed away the plate of cinnamon buns. "I'm gonna go mingle and hope for the best, okay?"

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ne demandez pas ça!" Melinda knocked on the bar. Wow, she's so superstitious. "Everything is going to be fine."

"Mhm, exactly. I'll see you when I see you, Lin."

I hopped down from the barstool and began pushing through the crowd. I got many birthday wishes and Uncle Cédric dared to slip me a couple of bills when I greeted him and Aunt Alizée. Does he really think I need his money? I hope not.

"Oh, my goodness! Hey there, Cher!"

The most obnoxious southern accent drifted across the room. I froze and tried to figure out who I knew with that accent. I've had lots of family visit from the East. Abuelo's family resided in Louisiana for a while, before some of them returned to France.


My view was blocked by a tall guy. I looked up to see my father standing before me. It took me a minute to realize who I was looking at. I'm sure he noticed that I seemed a bit disoriented. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been this buzzed at a party. It's barely eight. Why did I have to agree to drinking too early?

"No one wants to speak to you, Dolorès."

"I'm sure Ruby wants to see me!"

"No, nope. I'm sure she doesn't. She doesn't. R-right, Ruby? You don't, right?"

"Who are you to say she doesn't, Jordan?"

Dolorès's accent made his name sound completely different. I threw a hand over my mouth to hold back a laugh. I haven't seen her in a while, so it's always funny to invite her to parties and forget how loud her accent is.

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