Come Back Home

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Lucas had finally persuaded me to visit my friends. I wasn't keen on talking to any of them, but I know I'm gonna get a mouthful if I leave without speaking to them. My bruises had nearly disappeared, so I wasn't too worried about them asking if I was okay. I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas told them everything. They may not like him, but they're definitely grateful he keeps looking after me.

Only Sam and Bella know about me staying at Lucas's house. Jade and Natalia wouldn't care too much about it. Even if they did, what can they do? We're all adults here. I'm leaving soon anyway.

"It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever and you're already going back to France," Samantha groaned. "School's been out for us for a while and I've done nothing with my life."

"You'll find something to do," I muttered. "What about you, Bella?"

"Me?" Isabella laughed. "I have a man now. He does the working and I stay at home."

"...Don't tell me you got married without me?"

"¡Por supuesto que no! Marriage isn't it these days. Plus, he's away in the military, so it really isn't on our minds."

"Oh, what does he do?"

"Él entrena perros."

"Cool, cool."

I haven't known many people with an interest in training dogs. I've always been afraid of them. After the brief run-ins with the neighborhood dogs, I didn't think I wanted one. There was a Doberman my neighbors had. It didn't like anyone. I remember drawing on the sidewalk one day. There was no one in sight. I don't think Mom was home. If not for my dad, then I definitely would have been another case that afternoon.

"Enough about all of us," Isabella grabbed a pillow. "How's France? I know you've been having trouble with Roberto. Are you guys cool now?"

"...No." I sighed. "I was trying to avoid speaking about him. I'm sure I told you guys he was mentally unwell, the last time we spoke."

"Yeah, yeah. I remember that."

"Is he okay now? I kinda felt for him."

"Uh...he's not okay. I don't know what I did, but he's changed a lot." Natalia came into the living room and sat down. I'm surprised she isn't with Johnathan. "We fought a few months ago and he hasn't spoken to me since. I keep seeing him around, but...I feel like everything that happened was my fault."

"What happened, Rubes?" Natalia looked genuinely concerned.

"Nothing much...He didn't want to be with me anymore, because I was making decisions without him. I clearly told him that I would do things on my own as a woman. He doesn't know you guys, so why should he worry about who I'm visiting back home?"

"You've never had a boyfriend who cared?"

"Marcus didn't care about anything I did. Except when he and I broke up. Roberto was there to sort everything out. Hearing another guy answer my phone made him pissed off. That was the only time I've witnessed him caring about me."

"As expected from a player."

"But...Roberto's different," I said. "He knows what he's doing. Everyone thought I was helping him, because he claimed he'd only listen to me. I thought I was helping him, too. Until before we had that fight. I may be in hot water with his aunt.

"Oh, my goodness! What did you do?" Samantha exclaimed and leaned forward a little too much. Isabella barely caught her in time.

"I didn't do anything. She's never liked me. She said I was just another distraction for Roberto. That I was going to be like every other girl looking to date a guy with money."

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