Gifts & Regrets

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Renée, Melinda, and I decided that today was going to be our last day spending some quality time together. It was weird being out with them in the city, but it was best we did this today. My friends were due to arrive tomorrow morning and who knows what they're going to want to do when they get here? I'm surprised they didn't try to fly in early. That's what I would have done if I was getting on a free flight to Europe.

There was a lot going through my head as we got ready for the four hour drive to Paris. I know we were going to catch up on a lot in the car, but I wasn't willing to tell them what went down last night. I don't even believe I could do such a thing. Especially to Lucas. He's a good guy. He's so much better than Roberto. How was it that one night of drinking could lead to something I was going to regret keeping to myself for the rest of my life?

"Ruby, Dahling, I need a favor," Lin called out to me. I walked into the dining to see her packing a picnic basket. Renée was on the other side of the table packing a cooler. "Pourriez-vous récupérer le courrier? Il y a une surprise là-dedans pour vous."

"Me?" I asked in confusion. "Wouldn't it be smart to let someone else fetch it for me?"

"Oui, but I want you to get it. It's not everyday your cousins can spoil you. Who knows when we'll get the chance to do that again?"

"...Oh, alright. I guess I'll see you in a bit."

I took my time exiting the house and making my way out past the hedge. I'm glad most of Melinda's mail gets sent straight to her house. Other times, I'm forced to drive into the city to get it for her. There was a large decorative box waiting for me at the fountain just to the left of the hedge. I tilted my head in question, wondering if it would explode if I touched it. My cousins aren't that evil, but I know a couple of people who'd love to have me dead.

I suddenly got the feeling that someone was watching me. I hoped it wasn't Roberto, but I know for a fact he liked stalking me and making me feel uncomfortable. Although, I'm more than sure he'd want me to know it was him watching me. I hurriedly grabbed the box and made my way back to the house. The driver honked the horn just as I closed the front door.

"Did you get it, Dahling?" Lin asked as I entered the dining room again.

"I did. Why's it so big?" I asked.

"You'll have to find out, bête." She chuckled. "Renée said it would be a good present. I hope you like it."

I carefully began opening the present, surprised that it wasn't holding much. The first thing I noticed was the two flight tickets resting on top of a carefully wrapped dress. I picked it up and nearly burst into tears.

"Vous ne l'avez pas fait." I covered my mouth. It was two tickets for a flight to Honduras. I've always wanted to visit my Abuela's home. We never had the chance to since money was tight sometimes. "You guys really didn't have to."

"We wanted to," Renée said. "You deserve some presents every now and then. Now read the letter."

I picked up a cream colored envelope with black inscriptions. I didn't waste any time opening it and reading. Knowing my cousins, I should have guessed everything was going to be heartfelt. But, I couldn't help but laugh. They were waiting for me to get married first. They'd already planned an all expenses paid honeymoon. Why? The world will never know. Lucas and I haven't even discussed our future.

"Guys, merci beaucoup. I don't deserve this," I said. I finally took a look at the wrapped dress and knew almost immediately what it was. I guess they were really set on a wedding happening. Maybe not today, but pretty soon. I unwrapped the dress and took it out of the box.

You see, I never let anything surprise me. I hate surprises, but this one was the best one yet. I couldn't take my eyes off of the black and cream wedding dress. The veil was just as beautiful. I couldn't express how beautiful it was. I probably would have never thought to get something like this. It probably cost more than my life. How could I ever repay them for this?

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