The Boyfriend

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When we finally returned home, I was more tired than I'd been when I stayed up all night to study for a test. All I wanted to do was sleep, but who knows when Marcus is going to have another free weekend? I couldn't risk not visiting him today and he suddenly has to return to campus for some unknown reason.

After changing into something more comfortable, I made my way to my parents' room. I could hear them arguing before I closed the door to my room. This was something I tended to ignore, but the conversation seemed extremely interesting. I wasn't about to pass up a chance to hear what they were saying. If I get caught being nosy, then I get caught being nosy.

"You're being crazy and fast!"

"I'm trying to do what's best for my daughter. We can only keep her in the dark for so long."

"Julia, there's no other way to tell her without her getting angry with us. You've got to stop thinking about how the situation benefits you."

"There is another way. You just don't want to think about it."

Oooh, juicy secrets. I guess I'll find out on my own time. But, for now, I needed to get over to Marcus's house. I knocked on the door and walked in. Mom looked like she wanted to pull her hair out. Dad looked like he was about to hit her. That's nothing new. They both stared at me as I stared at them.

"...I'm gonna head over to Marcus's house now," I said. "Is there anything you guys want me to do before I go?"

"No," Dad seethed.

"Be home by eleven," Mom said.

Okay, no means no. I wasn't going to ask if they were sure. If they need anything, then they can text me. I closed the door and ran downstairs. There was no time to waste. None at all. I grabbed my camo jacket on my way out the front door and shoved my arms into it as I struggled to get into my car.

The leather seats scorched my legs through my tights, causing me to yelp in pain. This is why I hate the late Spring sun. Might as well be Summer already.

Marcus's house isn't far from mine. Maybe a few stoplights and a couple of stop signs away. I've been there so many times, I could drive there with my eyes closed. I got excited when I saw his car upon my arrival. No other car was in his driveway, so I assumed he was alone and his friends were out partying or something.

I wasted no time getting out and unlocking his front door. When I realized he wasn't in his usual spot in front of the TV, I knew exactly where he was. It was okay. I'd wait for him to finish what he's doing. No rush. But I found myself nodding off on his couch just mere minutes before he showed up.

"If you wanted to sleep, you could have just gotten in my bed," he said, scaring me out of my little nap. "Hey, baby."

"...Hey," I mumbled. "Sorry about that. My parents decided to spend two hours at that photo place. Imagine pretending to be a happy family for two...hours." I yawned.

"Well, you're here now. If you want, you can sleep in my bed. I won't get mad."

"I came here to spend time with you, not sleep."

"And you will, but if you nod off during a conversation...Ruby, you know how I get."

"Marc, I promise I won't fall asleep while you're talking. Look, we haven't been able to spend a lot of time together and I want to be here with you now." I sighed when he sat next to me. "How's school?"

"Sometimes I feel like shooting myself in the head." Marcus grinned. "But I always remember I have you, so dying isn't an option."

I giggled. "You know I leave for France tomorrow night, right?"

Marcus frowned upon realizing this was the last day we were going to spend together. I wasn't complaining, but I was more than ready to get there already. I've told Marcus time and time again that I could buy him a ticket and he could come with me, but he's refused every time. I didn't like that he didn't want to do what I wanted him to do, but I had to do what he wanted to do.

"Do you really have to go?" he whined.

"No, but I haven't seen my cousins in two years," I said. "I told you you could come with me. My parents wouldn't mind at all."

"I'm good, but thanks for the offer, baby."

This is what I hate about him. He would rather stay here and talk about football and how much he hates college rather than spend time with me overseas. Who would pass up a chance like that? My family isn't rich, but we can afford all that we need and so much more. If someone offers to buy you a ticket to a place you've been dying to visit, your best option is to take the deal and be happy. Marcus just doesn't get it.

Marcus pulled me onto his lap and looked me in the eyes. I wonder what he was thinking. I doubt much goes on inside his head. Besides the occasional joke, he doesn't really put much effort into our relationship. It's almost as if he doesn't love me.

"Hey, you know I could make you forget ever wanting to go to France," he muttered. "What do you say?"

"...I would agree, but I'm only 16." I put my arms around his shoulders. "Babe, is that all you can think about right now?"

"When you look so gorgeous, it is."

"Maybe I should stop looking gorgeous."

Marcus laughed like I'd said the funniest thing he'd ever heard. Maybe I had. There was no way I was about to lose my virginity to him. I love him and all, but that is one thing I refuse to do at this age. I wasn't about to be popping out a baby during my junior year of high school. What would my friends think of me? They don't even like Marcus.

What would my parents do? They adore that he's always taking me places and buying me things, but losing my virginity is probably the last thing they want me to do. I believe in no sex before marriage. If he can't handle that, then I'm sure he can find some other bimbo who doesn't. Honestly, I'd rather be a virgin for life if he thinks having sex with me is going to do anything good for our relationship.

"I see you wore your jersey today," Marcus pointed out. I giggled. "Are you telling me you actually want to watch a soccer game with me?"

"Of course!" I kissed him. "But we both know we're not even going to watch the first half."

"Says who?"

"Says me."


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