Hugo: The Savior of All Maidens

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It's been a while since Roberto and I have had any alone time. I've been spending a lot of time at my aunt and uncle's house, while everything is being sorted out. Katherine makes sure I'm getting all of my work sent home, and I'm grateful for that. Everyone is being so helpful. Even Uncle Cédric. After telling everyone I wanted to keep the baby, he seemed to come to his senses.

I appreciated the help he was provided. Even though he kept making backhanded comments about what I was doing with my life, I was glad he never left my side. Especially when Roberto came to the house to talk to me. I knew he had shifted into Hugo. It was my first time seeing him like that in a while. I knew something was up, so I asked Uncle Cédric to do me a favor.

After Roberto tried telling me that he was fine, I decided to find out what he was hiding. The first place I wanted to look was being occupied by him everyday. I tried not to look so irritated with him, because I knew he would get defensive about everything. Hugo would return and there would be no stopping him. He already failed at protecting me from his aunt. I was more than sure Dr. Alexy had been right about him going out at night.

We also have yet to talk about what he wanted to do with the baby. I've already decided to keep the child, now it's his turn to say what he wants. I want him in the baby's life. Maybe it'll push him to get better. Whenever I think I've gotten through to him, something else pops up. I'm hoping and praying my current situation knocks some sense into him. I can't do this alone.

Dr. Alexy found out about it and tried to get me to leave Roberto. I couldn't do it. I'm in too deep. I've made countless decisions that led to this. It's far too late to be having second thoughts. And to think that I hadn't been prepared for this. I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew that Roberto was going to try manipulating me into getting what he wanted. It's up to him whether to decide whether I'm going to be a single mother or not.

Today, I finally have a chance to search the treehouse. Melinda and Renée are at the hospital and Roberto is away in Paris for a weekend photoshoot. Sarah and the rest of the staff made lunch for me, then went into town to get things for dinner. The house was quiet, and I probably don't have time before Roberto decides that I've been alone long enough.

I tossed my lock picking kit, phone, and keys into my bag. There's no time to waste. The longer I wait to do it, the less time I have to search around. I don't want to have to rush through anything. If I go in and make a mess, I want to have time to clean it up. Roberto has always been a neat person. He'll definitely know I've been snooping around, if he finds anything out of place.

On the way out, I left a note for Sarah, knowing she would be the first one to arrive back home. She'd tell Melinda and Renée where I am. I left the note on the kitchen door and hightailed it out the back. At this point, I was desperate to find out what Roberto was hiding. My heart was thumping in my chest in anticipation. Whatever I find will determine how our relationship will proceed. Bad break up or no?

When I finally made it to the treehouse, I was nearly sweaty and out of breath. I leaned against the railing to catch my breath. The last thing I need to happen is me stumbling around. I can be quite clumsy. Not something I need to be going through right now.

"Get it together, Ruby," I muttered. "You're finally trapped in his game. It's about time you try and get the upper hand."

I climbed the stairs two at a time and unlocked the door in record time. Once I was inside, I raced to the second floor and stood before the door that had always been the bane of my existence. What's in there? Is it causing Roberto to relapse once again?

I checked the lock to make sure I'd be able to pick it. It's no use trying if the lock is broken or something. That would contradict the condition of the entire treehouse. Every door is perfectly fine, but this one? That clearly says he's hiding something. There was nothing wrong with it, so I began working to unlock it.

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